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In case someone is wondering what the UberPOV icon is supposed to
represent, here's a large version of it. It was originally designed to
replace the splash screen, but obviously there's nothing to replace
there anymore.
some decorative fonts, particularly in logos, the umlaut-dots of the
other inside the U. Thus, the image could be a rendition of the first
character of the program's name.
The logo is also an homage to POV-Ray, as the crescent and "sun" are
taken directly from the POV-Ray logo. The cone is replaced with another
sphere though.
The crescent and "planet" use highly translucent SSLT; the "corona" of
the "sun" is some surprisingly simple emissive media, based on a bozo
pigment with black hole warp, combined with a radius function into a
function pigment.
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This finally reveals the choice of the name. I ever guessed that there are two
dots missing. Good work. For the moment I had only the opportunity to run some
of your examples. My main interest in UberPOV is the readln-feature as you may
guess from older postings.
BTW Your Windows-exe-archive contains a dll with is already shipped with POV
3.7. Your dll is smaller. Is this intended as a replacement?
Best regards,
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Am 21.11.2013 23:48, schrieb MichaelJF:
> This finally reveals the choice of the name. I ever guessed that there are two
> dots missing. Good work. For the moment I had only the opportunity to run some
> of your examples. My main interest in UberPOV is the readln-feature as you may
> guess from older postings.
That feature was inspired by some postings somewhere on these
newsgroups, so you might actually be reaping what you sowed :-)
> BTW Your Windows-exe-archive contains a dll with is already shipped with POV
> 3.7. Your dll is smaller. Is this intended as a replacement?
No, to the contrary - I just happen to have packed them along because
the build process spit them out. They don't give any benefit over the
official POV-Ray 3.7 DLLs, so it is discouraged to replace them.
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>clipka on date 21/11/2013 20.09 wrote:
> In case someone is wondering what the UberPOV icon is supposed to
> represent, here's a large version of it. It was originally designed to
> replace the splash screen, but obviously there's nothing to replace
> there anymore.
> some decorative fonts, particularly in logos, the umlaut-dots of the
> other inside the U. Thus, the image could be a rendition of the first
> character of the program's name.
> The logo is also an homage to POV-Ray, as the crescent and "sun" are
> taken directly from the POV-Ray logo. The cone is replaced with another
> sphere though.
> The crescent and "planet" use highly translucent SSLT; the "corona" of
> the "sun" is some surprisingly simple emissive media, based on a bozo
> pigment with black hole warp, combined with a radius function into a
> function pigment.
The logo it's nice, but it resembles a little the Eye of Sauron on the
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