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Based on the sample scene of DF3 Proximity Macro 0.9
Parser Time
Parse Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0.002 seconds)
using 1 thread(s) with 0.002 CPU-seconds total
Bounding Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0.000 seconds)
using 1 thread(s) with 0.000 CPU-seconds total
Render Options
Quality: 9
Bounding boxes.......On Bounding threshold: 3
Antialiasing.........On (Method 1, Threshold 0.100, Depth 3, Jitter 1.00,
Gamma 2.50)
==== [Rendering...] ========================================================
Render Statistics
Image Resolution 1025 x 1025
Pixels: 1171569 Samples: 1952865 Smpls/Pxl: 1.67
Rays: 15268941 Saved: 3499267 Max Level: 10/200
Ray->Shape Intersection Tests Succeeded Percentage
Box 6314506 1291506 20.45
Fractal 13468771 7148980 53.08
Plane 13041069 7906708 60.63
Sphere 234859 138332 58.90
Bounding Box 129474454 49881145 38.53
Shadow Ray Tests: 1271395 Succeeded: 0
Reflected Rays: 9068827
Radiosity samples calculated: 47974 (0.40 %)
discarded due to low quality: 3688
retained for re-use: 44286
Radiosity samples reused: 12040620
Radiosity sample rays shot: 3075680
Radiosity octree nodes: 4139
Radiosity octree samples/node: 11.59
Radiosity blocks examined: 13979582508
Radiosity blocks passed test 0: 13979582508 (100.00 %)
Radiosity blocks passed test 1: 4395736697 (31.44 %)
Radiosity blocks passed test 2: 3201568901 (22.90 %)
Radiosity blocks passed test 3: 455746080 (3.26 %)
Radiosity blocks passed test 4: 224958056 (1.61 %)
Radiosity blocks passed test 5: 216499681 (1.55 %)
Radiosity blocks rejected: 13763082827 (98.45 %)
Radiosity Depth 0 calculated: 28918 (0.42 %)
Radiosity Depth 0 reused: 6776209
Radiosity Depth 0 rays shot: 2313440
Radiosity (final) calculated: 7315 (0.08 %)
Radiosity (final) reused: 9004020
Radiosity (final) rays shot: 584320
Pass Depth 0 Depth 1 Total
1 239 3275 3514
2 634 3859 4493
3 1947 4642 6589
4 5513 3847 9360
5+ 13292 3411 16703
Final 7293 22 7315
Total 28918 19056 47974
Weight 0.227 0.095
Render Time:
Photon Time: No photons
Radiosity Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 45 seconds (45.715 seconds)
using 12 thread(s) with 519.848 CPU-seconds total
Trace Time: 0 hours 2 minutes 7 seconds (127.362 seconds)
using 12 thread(s) with 1455.857 CPU-seconds total
POV-Ray finished
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On 07/24/2011 07:25 AM, Le_Forgeron wrote:
> Based on the sample scene of DF3 Proximity Macro 0.9
nice ... i like the right mid-ground one
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Could you explain what's happening here, because I can't see what's so
special about the image.
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Le 25/07/2011 14:20, Warp nous fit lire :
> Could you explain what's happening here, because I can't see what's so
> special about the image.
Just that no DF3 file was used.
#macro zorglub(bron,vect,rad)
object {
texture {
proximity { test_object } radius rad
texture_map {
#if( bron = true )
[ 0.45 shiny_brass ]
[ 0.55 dull_brass ]
[ 0.65 dull_brass ]
[ 0.7 corroded_brass]
[ 0.0 pigment { rgb <0,169,224>/255 } ]
[ 0.2 pigment { rgb <50,52,144>/255 } ]
[ 0.4 pigment { rgb <234,22,136>/255 } ]
[ 0.6 pigment { rgb <235,46,46>/255 } ]
[ 0.8 pigment { rgb <253,233,45>/255 } ]
[ 1.0 pigment { rgb <0,158,84>/255 } ]
translate vect
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From: Christian Froeschlin
Subject: Re: Proximity pattern, experimental builtin
Date: 25 Jul 2011 19:14:39
Message: <4e2df8df$1@news.povray.org>
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Nice! How would it look with a black/white color_map and ambient 1?
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From: Le Forgeron
Subject: Re: Proximity pattern, experimental builtin
Date: 26 Jul 2011 03:58:18
Message: <4e2e739a@news.povray.org>
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Le 26/07/2011 01:14, Christian Froeschlin nous fit lire :
> Nice! How would it look with a black/white color_map and ambient 1?
Removing radiosity, single light source instead (irrelevant but for the
shadow on floor), diffuse 0 ambient 1
texture_map {
[ clock pigment { rgb 0 } finish { ambient 1.0 diffuse 0.0 } ]
[ 1.0-clock pigment { rgb 1 } finish { ambient 1.0 diffuse 0.0 }]
povray Fro.pov +KI0 +KF0.4 +KFI1 +KFF3 +FJ
The value 0 & 1 of the map are very seldom reached, so reducing the
range is also interesting.
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Preview of image 'fro1.jpg'

Preview of image 'fro2.jpg'

Preview of image 'fro3.jpg'

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Le 26/07/2011 09:58, Le_Forgeron nous fit lire :
> Le 26/07/2011 01:14, Christian Froeschlin nous fit lire :
>> Nice! How would it look with a black/white color_map and ambient 1?
> Removing radiosity, single light source instead (irrelevant but for the
> shadow on floor), diffuse 0 ambient 1
> texture_map {
> [ clock pigment { rgb 0 } finish { ambient 1.0 diffuse 0.0 } ]
> [ 1.0-clock pigment { rgb 1 } finish { ambient 1.0 diffuse 0.0 }]
> }
> povray Fro.pov +KI0 +KF0.4 +KFI1 +KFF3 +FJ
> The value 0 & 1 of the map are very seldom reached, so reducing the
> range is also interesting.
The original object has a size of 60. The 3 objects were using proximity
with a radius of 1, 10 and 20. (from left to right)
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From: Christian Froeschlin
Subject: Re: Proximity pattern, experimental builtin
Date: 30 Jul 2011 20:50:05
Message: <4e34a6bd@news.povray.org>
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Le_Forgeron wrote:
> The original object has a size of 60. The 3 objects were using proximity
> with a radius of 1, 10 and 20. (from left to right)
Very good. Looking forward to playing with this ;)
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On 24-7-2011 12:25, Le_Forgeron wrote:
> Based on the sample scene of DF3 Proximity Macro 0.9
It looks like your technique is going to be much simpler to use than the
Proximity Macro which, by the way, was already a major and important
achievement gladly acknowledged, thanks to Edouard Poor.
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