POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : My first MegaPOV0.4 image(26k bu) Server Time
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  My first MegaPOV0.4 image(26k bu) (Message 31 to 39 of 39)  
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From: Bob Hughes
Subject: Re: My first MegaPOV0.4 image(26k bu)
Date: 1 Feb 2000 00:44:03
Message: <389672a3@news.povray.org>
Hmm, well I love the idea of having a mobile POV-Ray to work with where ever I
may go, problem there is that I have yet to find an affordable (for me) notebook
computer with the power to do so.  And that in turn always starts me thinking of
GPS mapping on the road or off.  Guess I just don't think of the internet as
being something I want around 24/7  :-)  POV-Ray yes, 'net no.


"mr.art" <mr.### [at] gcinet> wrote in message news:3896619D.6DE438B7@gci.net...
| When my family and I take our "road trip" this summer,
| I will find it hard not to log on somewhere and see what
| you all are up to. I don't see the internet as something
| that you need to take a vacation from. You take a vacation
| from the things that you have had enough of.
| I plan to have the computers packed close to the outside
| so I can get to them. When we move to Alaska, we had one
| machine packed in the back of our Suburban and we set it
| up every place that we stayed that had a phone jack. My
| wife kept in touch with all of our friends that had an
| interest in our trip. And though our list of interested
| friends has shrunk some, our online family has grown.
| Even my own biological family is getting into the
| online thing and might want progress reports of the
| trip.
| David Fontaine wrote:
| >
| > Bob Hughes wrote:
| >
| > > "David Fontaine" <dav### [at] faricynet> wrote in message
| > > news:3896209C.C01855F4@faricy.net...
| > > | Bob Hughes wrote:
| > > |
| > > | > "Ken" <tyl### [at] pacbellnet> wrote in message
| > > | > news:389### [at] pacbellnet...
| > > | > | Is it possible to connect from a car with a laptop and a cell phone
| > > | >
| > > | > It is, but I'd never want to do so when on the road.  Well, maybe if
| > > | > over someplace a couple days.  I treat any travel like a vacation,
| > > | > vacation from internet connecting.
| > > |
| > > | Isn't it also quite expensive and insecure?
| > >
| > > Oh, well I was just answering Kens question about something I don't know
| > > Not the first time that's happened.
| >
| > Happens to me all the time :-) (As you probably already knew)
| > But I agree it is good to treat a road trip like a vacation.
| >
| > --
| > Homepage: http://www.faricy.net/~davidf/
| > ___     ______________________________
| >  | \     |_       <dav### [at] faricynet>
| >  |_/avid |ontaine      <ICQ 55354965>
| --
| Mr. Art
| "Often the appearance of reality is more important
| than the reality of the appearance."
| Bill DeWitt 2000

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From: mr art
Subject: Re: My first MegaPOV0.4 image(26k bu)
Date: 1 Feb 2000 08:23:01
Message: <3896DE52.90E85795@gci.net>
At times I wish I had a notebook computer. All mine are
just desktop or tower machines.

Bob Hughes wrote:
> Hmm, well I love the idea of having a mobile POV-Ray to work with where ever I
> may go, problem there is that I have yet to find an affordable (for me) notebook
> computer with the power to do so.  And that in turn always starts me thinking of
> GPS mapping on the road or off.  Guess I just don't think of the internet as
> being something I want around 24/7  :-)  POV-Ray yes, 'net no.

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From: ryan mooney
Subject: Re: My first MegaPOV0.4 image(26k bu)
Date: 1 Feb 2000 14:15:40
Message: <3895E197.6BEE1D89@earthlink.net>
Sounds neat...
    Maybe we should set up a system...
        Buy everyone cameras...
            And request a video to go w/ text messages...
                Sort of a virtual/visual mail group...
OK maybe not but it sound interesting all the same...

"mr.art" wrote:

> Sorry, my humor sensors have been giving false
> readings lately so I have stopped relying on
> them. From what I can tell, the works that we
> say make up about 7% of what we are trying to
> communicate. Body language, tone of voice, facial
> expression and such make up so much more. If we
> could see and hear what others are saying here,
> I think that there might be far less flaming done
> here. Well, then again, maybe not.
> David Fontaine wrote:
> >
> > Twas a joke.
> >
> > "mr.art" wrote:
> >
> > > Earth in general. Just a close up to see if the
> > > mountains really did cast shadows in the dawn
> > > terminator.
> > >
> > > David Fontaine wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Just thought I would see what it could do
> > > > > to one of my favorite places.
> > > >
> > > > Your favorite place is the southwestern United States? :-)
> >
> > --
> > Homepage: http://www.faricy.net/~davidf/
> > ___     ______________________________
> >  | \     |_       <dav### [at] faricynet>
> >  |_/avid |ontaine      <ICQ 55354965>
> --
> Mr. Art
> "Often the appearance of reality is more important
> than the reality of the appearance."
> Bill DeWitt 2000

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From: David Fontaine
Subject: Re: My first MegaPOV0.4 image(26k bu)
Date: 1 Feb 2000 17:08:01
Message: <389758F1.5FABCC28@faricy.net>
> When my family and I take our "road trip" this summer,
> I will find it hard not to log on somewhere and see what
> you all are up to. I don't see the internet as something
> that you need to take a vacation from. You take a vacation
> from the things that you have had enough of.
> I plan to have the computers packed close to the outside
> so I can get to them. When we move to Alaska, we had one
> machine packed in the back of our Suburban and we set it
> up every place that we stayed that had a phone jack. My
> wife kept in touch with all of our friends that had an
> interest in our trip. And though our list of interested
> friends has shrunk some, our online family has grown.
> Even my own biological family is getting into the
> online thing and might want progress reports of the
> trip.

Well, I guess it depends. If you're on a "vacation", it would be nice to perhaps log
at the hotel in the evening. Length of trip and all that stuff too.

Homepage: http://www.faricy.net/~davidf/
___     ______________________________
 | \     |_       <dav### [at] faricynet>
 |_/avid |ontaine      <ICQ 55354965>

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From: Bob Hughes
Subject: Re: My first MegaPOV0.4 image(26k bu)
Date: 1 Feb 2000 20:51:47
Message: <38978db3@news.povray.org>
Although I have a PC Camera and have been tempted to use it for live net
meetings or video email, that's as far as it goes.  Only like the idea.  I'm no
good at being "in person" and that would be awfully close to the same  ;-)
Still, it's not totally out of the question either.


"ryan mooney" <rdm### [at] earthlinknet> wrote in message
| Sounds neat...
|     Maybe we should set up a system...
|         Buy everyone cameras...
|             And request a video to go w/ text messages...
|                 Sort of a virtual/visual mail group...
| OK maybe not but it sound interesting all the same...
| "mr.art" wrote:
| > Sorry, my humor sensors have been giving false
| > readings lately so I have stopped relying on
| > them. From what I can tell, the works that we
| > say make up about 7% of what we are trying to
| > communicate. Body language, tone of voice, facial
| > expression and such make up so much more. If we
| > could see and hear what others are saying here,
| > I think that there might be far less flaming done
| > here. Well, then again, maybe not.

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From: mr art
Subject: Re: My first MegaPOV0.4 image(26k bu)
Date: 1 Feb 2000 23:02:04
Message: <3897AC5C.B1BCBEDA@gci.net>
Maybe I should be more detailed. I have to move by August.
The Airforce is sending me to another base. As this will be
a forced move, I don't want to lose touch with friends.

David Fontaine wrote:
> > When my family and I take our "road trip" this summer,
> > I will find it hard not to log on somewhere and see what
> > you all are up to. I don't see the internet as something
> > that you need to take a vacation from. You take a vacation
> > from the things that you have had enough of.
> > I plan to have the computers packed close to the outside
> > so I can get to them. When we move to Alaska, we had one
> > machine packed in the back of our Suburban and we set it
> > up every place that we stayed that had a phone jack. My
> > wife kept in touch with all of our friends that had an
> > interest in our trip. And though our list of interested
> > friends has shrunk some, our online family has grown.
> > Even my own biological family is getting into the
> > online thing and might want progress reports of the
> > trip.
> Well, I guess it depends. If you're on a "vacation", it would be nice to perhaps log
> at the hotel in the evening. Length of trip and all that stuff too.
> --
> Homepage: http://www.faricy.net/~davidf/
> ___     ______________________________
>  | \     |_       <dav### [at] faricynet>
>  |_/avid |ontaine      <ICQ 55354965>

Mr. Art

"Often the appearance of reality is more important 
than the reality of the appearance."
Bill DeWitt 2000

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From: David Fontaine
Subject: Re: My first MegaPOV0.4 image(26k bu)
Date: 1 Feb 2000 23:37:09
Message: <3897B3D4.A81B806D@faricy.net>
"mr.art" wrote:

> Maybe I should be more detailed. I have to move by August.
> The Airforce is sending me to another base. As this will be
> a forced move, I don't want to lose touch with friends.

Maybe *I* should be more detailed :-)
If you're on vacation, go ahead, bring a laptop and log on.
If you're just moving, pack it all up and don't bother until you get there and get

Homepage: http://www.faricy.net/~davidf/
___     ______________________________
 | \     |_       <dav### [at] faricynet>
 |_/avid |ontaine      <ICQ 55354965>

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From: Greg M  Johnson
Subject: Re: My first MegaPOV0.4 image(26k bu)
Date: 2 Feb 2000 09:08:35
Message: <3898398A.21D8A3AD@my-dejanews.com>
Okeleedoke.  Thanks, and sorry for taking up the bandwidth.  But when you talked about
his setting up a new web presence, I thought you were saying nathan.kopp.com would
to switch servers if  Nathan the human physically moved, and this didn't make sense.

Ken wrote:

> "Greg M. Johnson" wrote:
> >
> > Thanks for the link.
> >
> > Silly question: if I were to move to Alaska tomorrow, my web "presence" wouldn't
> > change, and I'd be able to connect in a heartbeat because AOL and FreeAltavista
> > nationwide.  What gives?
> Only that Nathan is driving a car/truck right now and once in Florida
> needs to move in, get settled, and take care of getting his computer
> set up.
> Is it possible to connect from a car with a laptop and a cell phone ?

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From: Steve
Subject: Re: My first MegaPOV0.4 image(26k bu)
Date: 4 Feb 2000 21:27:17
Message: <slrn89n122.48l.sjlen@zero-pps.localdomain>
On Sun, 30 Jan 2000 18:57:18 -0900, mr.art <mr.### [at] gcinet> wrote:
>Sorry, my humor sensors have been giving false
>readings lately so I have stopped relying on
>them. From what I can tell, the works that we
>say make up about 7% of what we are trying to 
>communicate. Body language, tone of voice, facial
>expression and such make up so much more. If we
>could see and hear what others are saying here,
>I think that there might be far less flaming done
>here. Well, then again, maybe not.

Maybe there'd be no one here at all. 

There's only been three flame threads here to my 
knowledge, and only one in this group.  But I don't
read all the groups all the time, and there was that
'Most insulting email' thing that I've only seen 
the odd post about over in p.g.  

All in all I think we're a very sociable easy going

Steve              email mailto:sjl### [at] ndirectcouk

%HAV-A-NICEDAY Error not enough coffee  0 pps. 

web http://www.ndirect.co.uk/~sjlen/

or  http://start.at/zero-pps

 12:45am  up 2 days, 14 min,  6 users,  load average: 1.90, 1.68, 1.45

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