On 27/12/2024 15:27, Kenneth wrote:
> kurtz le pirate <kur### [at] free fr> wrote:
>> Fast rendering.
>> max_gradient calculated by POV is really small: 0.62.
> That is spectacular and beautiful. And with a max_gradient of only 0.62?? Wow.
>>> [from jr:]
>>> so, would you consider making the code/object public ?
>> The code ? Yes, of course !
>> The source is attached to this post. [Prettyball_3]
> Your Prettyball_3 code produces a different result than your "Mesh Torus"
> image-- although this example is quite beautiful as well! Did you mean to post
> the Mesh Torus code instead? Like jr, I would love to see how you created it.
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I made a mistake and uploaded the wrong file.
I now put the code for "MeshTorus".
This makes two samples.
kurtz le pirate
compagnie de la banquise
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