"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
> Here's what I was dabbling with - there's some example code I was
> converting to SDL at the end.
> Not sure where my errors in coding were...
I haven't found the problem yet, but there's a strange change in the height of
the bounces (as you've probably noticed). However, these changes are
*repetitive*, in groups of bounces (and the groups have different numbers of
bounces in them.) The first group contains 2 bounces, the second group 6, the
3rd group 6; it's hard to discern the groupings after that, but I think they are
there, all the way to the end. (Changing some of the values in your code-- like
ball radius and the T multiplier--might help to reveal them.)
I simplified your code a bit, so I could understand it more easily. I've posted
it below, with a few notes of my own.
#version 3.7;
#include "colors.inc"
global_settings {assumed_gamma 1.0}
light_source {<10, 50, -100> color rgb <1, 1, 1>}
// main camera
camera {
location <70, 45, -180>
right x*image_width/image_height
up y
angle 50
look_at <70, 45, 0>
// closer camera, to view bounces on the right-hand side
camera {
location <100, 20, -180>
right x*image_width/image_height
up y
angle 30
look_at <100, 20, 0>
#declare Rad = .2; // KEN-- ball object radius
#declare Hvel = 5;
#declare BallMass = 100;
#declare BallHeight = 100; // KEN-- changing this value *here* has no effect
#declare h0 = 10;
#declare Elasticity = 0.9;
#declare G = 32;
//#declare V = sqrt(2*G*BallHeight); // KEN--not needed
#declare Vf = sqrt(2*G*BallHeight);
#declare Vnew = Elasticity* Vf;
#declare h = pow(Vnew,2)/(2*G);
#declare MaxHeight = 100;
#declare MaxEnergy = G*MaxHeight;
#declare MaxVel = sqrt(2*G*MaxHeight);
#declare SubT = 0;
#declare Step = 0.005; // .1 KEN-- reduced, to make the balls closer
// together in the arcs-- i.e., more balls
#declare Power = 10; // KEN-- changing this value seems to have no effect
#declare Direction = -1;
#declare LastH = MaxHeight;
#declare CurrentH = MaxHeight;
#declare Color = pigment {Green};
#for (T, 0, 70, Step) // KEN-- changed 3rd value to make additional bounces
#if (CurrentH < 0)
//#debug concat ("CurrentH = ", str(CurrentH, 3, 1), "\n")
#declare Direction = 1;
#declare CurrentH = CurrentH * Direction;
#declare MaxHeight = MaxHeight*Elasticity;
#declare Time = sqrt(2*MaxHeight/G);
#declare Color = rgb <1, 0, 0>;
#declare Power = 2;
#declare SubT = 0;
//#debug concat ("Direction = ", str(Direction, 3, 1), "\n")
//#debug "\n\n*Rising \n"
#end // end check for impact
#if (CurrentH > MaxHeight)
//#debug concat ("CurrentH = ", str(CurrentH, 3, 1), "\n")
//#debug concat ("MaxHeight = ", str(MaxHeight, 3, 1), "\n")
#declare Direction = -1;
#declare CurrentH = MaxHeight-(CurrentH-MaxHeight);
//#debug concat ("new CurrentH = ", str(CurrentH, 3, 1), "\n")
#declare Color = rgb <0, 1, 0>;
#declare Power = 2;
#declare SubT = 0;
//#debug concat ("Direction = ", str(Direction, 3, 1), "\n")
//#debug "\n\n*Falling \n"
#if (Direction = -1)
#declare CurrentH = LastH - ( (G/2) * pow(SubT, Power));
//#debug "Falling \n"
#declare CurrentH = MaxHeight - (G/2) * pow(Time-SubT, Power);
//#debug "Rising \n"
//#debug concat( "CurrentH = ", str(CurrentH, 3, 1), "\n")
//#debug concat( "MaxHeight = ", str(MaxHeight, 3, 1), "\n")
sphere {0, Rad pigment {Color}
translate <T*2, (Rad+CurrentH), 0> // KEN-- T is scaling of
// horizontal distance
#declare LastH = CurrentH;
#declare SubT = SubT + Step;
#end // end for T
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