So, as requested, the rainbow animation, with the
particles leaving trails... Just for you to enjoy!
This was just a quick hack to check if it can actually
be done with my system (and surprise! - surprise! it
can be done using my IO-Macros), the final version will
make use of a much more sophisticated way of keeping
track of data. A version with much more particles is
being traced...
Tim Nikias
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights/index.html
Email: Tim### [at] gmxde
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Download 'rb_trail.mpg' (85 KB)
I like this one. Very nice.
Although I never posted it, when I was developing my PS, I did an animation using
spheresweeps that trailed a particle's position much like a streamer. These
rainbows remind me of them.
Could this effect be achieved without I/O, by re-running your system N times
(where N is the number of calculation steps you want to show) for each particle,
for each frame? It would increase parse time, but it would be just an exercise in
non-I/O methods afterall.
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> I like this one. Very nice.
Thank you!
> Could this effect be achieved without I/O, by re-running your system N
> (where N is the number of calculation steps you want to show) for each
> for each frame? It would increase parse time, but it would be just an
exercise in
> non-I/O methods afterall.
Of course. The system makes extensive use of pseudo-random streams,
and is very much dependant on these streams. Thus, you could
achieve the same effect by calling my system several dozens or hundreds
of times and calculate positions.
For my 150-particles-being trailed animation, that would be 4 secs
parsing for the initial 150p, and for the final (where 1420 rebounces
have occured, each rebounce results in an additional internal
calculation to check for new rebounces) 12 seconds. Parsing time
would sky-rocket, I'd say, but it is possible. You just have to set
the clock the system is based on to a certain value for the trailing
particles, like .01, .02, .03 etc.
Perhaps, when I've got nothing else to do on the computer, I'll
try that, just for the sake of non I/O...
Tim Nikias
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights/index.html
Email: Tim### [at] gmxde
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