POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : Magic Lamp 2 (particle system) Server Time
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  Magic Lamp 2 (particle system) (Message 11 to 12 of 12)  
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From: Rune
Subject: Re: Magic Lamp 2 (particle system)
Date: 22 Feb 2002 18:47:51
Message: <3c76d8a7@news.povray.org>
"Tim Nikias" wrote:
> How did you actually calculate the positions for the
> particles? Did you use trace on the object (which I
> suppose is how you did it)?

Yes, I used trace on the object to find the initial position and direction
of movement for each particle. Do you also use trace in your system?

> My system is very much capable of doing just such
> an animation, because it doesn't seem like your
> particles are bouncing off the walls or the lamp again...

No, I think it would look unnatural if they bounced... :)

I could however make the particles glide out of the way of the lamp - I
think I'll try just that.

> I expect my system to be out earlier than yours.
> Maybe you'd have a look at it then?

If nothing more, I'll at least have a superficial look at the demo scenes
and documentation. Did you mean something else besides that?

3D images and anims, include files, tutorials and more:
Rune's World:    http://rsj.mobilixnet.dk (updated Feb 16)
POV-Ray Users:   http://rsj.mobilixnet.dk/povrayusers/
POV-Ray Webring: http://webring.povray.co.uk

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From: Tim Nikias
Subject: Re: Magic Lamp 2 (particle system)
Date: 22 Feb 2002 20:03:06
Message: <3C76EA51.630AECDD@gmx.de>
> Yes, I used trace on the object to find the initial position and direction
> of movement for each particle. Do you also use trace in your system?

Nope. PartixGen was begun when Pov 3.1g was out, so
trace was no option. But my user-defined macros
allow the implementation of new Birth-Fields, so that
should be possible in case it was needed. Though I
do plan on putting a demo covering that part...

> ...
> No, I think it would look unnatural if they bounced... :)

For this animation, I agree. For actual flying sparks, that would
be natural. But we're talking magic here, eh? ;)

> I could however make the particles glide out of the way of the lamp - I
> think I'll try just that.

You mean like being pushed away? Collision detection, so-to-speak?

> If nothing more, I'll at least have a superficial look at the demo scenes
> and documentation. Did you mean something else besides that?

That's what I meant. Perhaps even trying a little...

Tim Nikias
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights/index.html

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