Any python coders capable of converting this to SDL?
#! /usr/bin/env python3
def hyper_2f1_test ( ):
## hyper_2f1_test() tests hyper_2f1().
# Licensing:
# This code is distributed under the MIT license.
# Modified:
# 21 December 2023
# Author:
# John Burkardt
import platform
print ( '' )
print ( 'hyper_2f1_test():' )
print ( ' Python version: %s' % ( platform.python_version ( ) ) )
print ( ' Test hyper_2f1().' )
hyper_2f1_real_test ( )
hyper_2f1_complex_test ( )
# Terminate.
print ( '' )
print ( 'hyper_2f1_test():' )
print ( ' Normal end of execution.' )
def hyper_2f1 ( a, b, c, x ):
## hyper_2f1() evaluates the hypergeometric 2F1 function.
# Licensing:
# This code is distributed under the MIT license.
# Modified:
# 21 December 2023
# Author:
# John Burkardt
# Input:
# real A, B, C: the parameters.
# real or complex X: the argument.
# Output:
# real or complex F: the value of the function.
from scipy.special import hyp2f1
f = hyp2f1 ( a, b, c, x )
return f
def hyper_2f1_real_values ( n_data ):
## hyper_2f1_real_values() returns some values of the hypergeometric 2F1
# Discussion:
# In Mathematica, the function can be evaluated by:
# fx = Hypergeometric2F1 [ a, b, c, x ]
# Licensing:
# This code is distributed under the MIT license.
# Modified:
# 13 February 2015
# Author:
# John Burkardt
# Reference:
# Milton Abramowitz, Irene Stegun,
# Handbook of Mathematical Functions,
# National Bureau of Standards, 1964,
# ISBN: 0-486-61272-4,
# LC: QA47.A34.
# Shanjie Zhang, Jianming Jin,
# Computation of Special Functions,
# Wiley, 1996,
# ISBN: 0-471-11963-6,
# LC: QA351.C45
# Stephen Wolfram,
# The Mathematica Book,
# Fourth Edition,
# Cambridge University Press, 1999,
# ISBN: 0-521-64314-7,
# LC: QA76.95.W65.
# Daniel Zwillinger, editor,
# CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae,
# 30th Edition,
# CRC Press, 1996,
# ISBN: 0-8493-2479-3,
# LC: QA47.M315.
# Input:
# integer n_data. The user sets n_data to 0 before the first call.
# Output:
# integer n_data. On each call, the routine increments n_data by 1, and
# returns the corresponding data; when there is no more data, the
# output value of n_data will be 0 again.
# real A, B, C, X, the parameters.
# real F, the value of the function.
import numpy as np
n_max = 24
a_vec = np.array ( ( \
-2.5, \
-0.5, \
0.5, \
2.5, \
-2.5, \
-0.5, \
0.5, \
2.5, \
-2.5, \
-0.5, \
0.5, \
2.5, \
3.3, \
1.1, \
1.1, \
3.3, \
3.3, \
1.1, \
1.1, \
3.3, \
3.3, \
1.1, \
1.1, \
3.3 ))
b_vec = np.array ( ( \
3.3, \
1.1, \
1.1, \
3.3, \
3.3, \
1.1, \
1.1, \
3.3, \
3.3, \
1.1, \
1.1, \
3.3, \
6.7, \
6.7, \
6.7, \
6.7, \
6.7, \
6.7, \
6.7, \
6.7, \
6.7, \
6.7, \
6.7, \
6.7 ))
c_vec = np.array ( ( \
6.7, \
6.7, \
6.7, \
6.7, \
6.7, \
6.7, \
6.7, \
6.7, \
6.7, \
6.7, \
6.7, \
6.7, \
-5.5, \
-0.5, \
0.5, \
4.5, \
-5.5, \
-0.5, \
0.5, \
4.5, \
-5.5, \
-0.5, \
0.5, \
4.5 ))
f_vec = np.array ( ( \
0.72356129348997784913, \
0.97911109345277961340, \
1.0216578140088564160, \
1.4051563200112126405, \
0.46961431639821611095, \
0.95296194977446325454, \
1.0512814213947987916, \
2.3999062904777858999, \
0.29106095928414718320, \
0.92536967910373175753, \
1.0865504094806997287, \
5.7381565526189046578, \
15090.669748704606754, \
-104.31170067364349677, \
21.175050707768812938, \
4.1946915819031922850, \
1.0170777974048815592E+10, \
-24708.635322489155868, \
1372.2304548384989560, \
58.092728706394652211, \
5.8682087615124176162E+18, \
-4.4635010147295996680E+08, \
5.3835057561295731310E+06, \
20396.913776019659426 ))
x_vec = np.array ( ( \
0.25, \
0.25, \
0.25, \
0.25, \
0.55, \
0.55, \
0.55, \
0.55, \
0.85, \
0.85, \
0.85, \
0.85, \
0.25, \
0.25, \
0.25, \
0.25, \
0.55, \
0.55, \
0.55, \
0.55, \
0.85, \
0.85, \
0.85, \
0.85 ))
if ( n_data < 0 ):
n_data = 0
if ( n_max <= n_data ):
n_data = 0
a = 0
b = 0
c = 0.0
x = 0.0
f = 0.0
a = a_vec[n_data]
b = b_vec[n_data]
c = c_vec[n_data]
x = x_vec[n_data]
f = f_vec[n_data]
n_data = n_data + 1
return n_data, a, b, c, x, f
def hyper_2f1_real_test ( ):
## hyper_2f1_real_test() tests hyper_2f1() for real arguments.
# Licensing:
# This code is distributed under the MIT license.
# Modified:
# 21 December 2023
# Author:
# John Burkardt
print ( '' )
print ( 'hyper_2f1_real_test():' )
print ( ' hyper_2f1() evaluates the hypergeometric function 2F1(A,B,C;X)' )
print ( ' Check the computation for real arguments X.' )
n_data = 0
while ( True ):
n_data, a, b, c, x, f1 = hyper_2f1_real_values ( n_data )
if ( n_data == 0 ):
f2 = hyper_2f1 ( a, b, c, x )
print ( '' )
print ( ' (a,b,c,x): %4d %4d %12f %12f' % ( a, b, c, x ) )
print ( ' (exact): %24.16g' % ( f1 ) )
print ( ' (computed): %24.16g' % ( f2 ) )
print ( ' (error): %24.16g' % ( abs ( f1 - f2 ) ) )
def hyper_2f1_complex_values ( n_data ):
## hyper_2f1_complex_values() returns some values of the hypergeometric 2F1
# Discussion:
# In Mathematica, the function can be evaluated by:
# fz = Hypergeometric2F1 [ a, b, c, z ]
# Licensing:
# This code is distributed under the MIT license.
# Modified:
# 19 December 2023
# Author:
# John Burkardt
# Reference:
# Shanjie Zhang, Jianming Jin,
# Computation of Special Functions,
# Wiley, 1996,
# ISBN: 0-471-11963-6,
# LC: QA351.C45
# Input:
# integer n_data. The user sets n_data to 0 before the first call.
# Output:
# integer n_data. On each call, the routine increments n_data by 1, and
# returns the corresponding data; when there is no more data, the
# output value of n_data will be 0 again.
# real A, B, C: the parameters.
# complex Z: the argument.
# complex FZ: the value of the function.
import numpy as np
n_max = 15
a_vec = np.array ( ( \
3.2, \
3.2, \
-5.0, \
3.3, \
-7.0, \
4.3, \
3.3, \
3.5, \
3.3, \
7.0, \
5.0, \
3.5, \
2.1, \
8.7, \
8.7 ))
b_vec = np.array ( ( \
1.8, \
-1.8, \
3.3, \
-6.0, \
3.3, \
-8.0, \
5.8, \
-2.4, \
4.3, \
5.0, \
7.0, \
1.2, \
5.4, \
3.2, \
2.7 ))
c_vec = np.array ( ( \
6.7, \
6.7, \
6.7, \
3.7, \
-3.7, \
-3.7, \
6.7, \
6.7, \
6.7, \
4.1, \
4.1, \
9.7, \
9.7, \
6.7, \
6.7 ))
fz_vec = np.array ( ( \
5.468999154361234+0.00000000j, \
0.3375063477462785+0.00000000j, \
116.8274991533609+603.8909562709345j, \
17620.41819334182+38293.80901310932j, \
-11772775115.27448-14382285977.20268j, \
1316118577866.058-101298889382.4362j, \
1.733055678355656+0.6340102904953357j, \
0.6476224071999852-0.5211050690999773j, \
-1.483008322270093+8.374426179451589j, \
-0.004037609523971226-0.002956632645480181j, \
-0.004037609523971226-0.002956632645480181j, \
1.034313610729953+0.5447389238499308j, \
0.6885043978280027+1.227418679098749j, \
-0.9004649679297319-1.11988994714304j, \
-0.4608388640599718-0.5457569650549665j ))
z_vec = np.array ( ( \
1.0+0.0j, \
1.0+0.0j, \
5.2+4.8j, \
5.2-4.8j, \
5.2-4.8j, \
5.2+4.8j, \
0.2+0.1j, \
0.2+0.5j, \
0.8+0.3j, \
3.0-1.0j, \
3.0-1.0j, \
0.6+0.9j, \
0.5+0.7j, \
0.5+0.7j, \
0.6+0.9j ))
if ( n_data < 0 ):
n_data = 0
if ( n_max <= n_data ):
n_data = 0
a = 0
b = 0
c = 0.0
z = 0.0
fz = 0.0
a = a_vec[n_data]
b = b_vec[n_data]
c = c_vec[n_data]
z = z_vec[n_data]
fz = fz_vec[n_data]
n_data = n_data + 1
return n_data, a, b, c, z, fz
def hyper_2f1_complex_test ( ):
## hyper_2f1_complex_test() tests hyper_2f1() for complex arguments.
# Licensing:
# This code is distributed under the MIT license.
# Modified:
# 21 December 2023
# Author:
# John Burkardt
print ( '' )
print ( 'hyper_2f1_complex_test():' )
print ( ' Test hyper_2f1() for complex arguments.' )
n_data = 0
while ( True ):
n_data, a, b, c, z, f1 = hyper_2f1_complex_values ( n_data )
if ( n_data == 0 ):
f2 = hyper_2f1 ( a, b, c, z )
print ( '' )
print ( ' (a,b,c,z): %4d %4d %8f (%8f,%8f)' % ( a, b, c, z.real,
z.imag ) )
print ( ' (exact): (%24.16g,%24.16g)' % ( f1.real, f1.imag ) )
print ( ' (computed): (%24.16g,%24.16g)' % ( f2.real, f2.imag ) )
print ( ' (error): %24.16g' % ( abs ( f1 - f2 ) ) )
def timestamp ( ):
## timestamp() prints the date as a timestamp.
# Licensing:
# This code is distributed under the MIT license.
# Modified:
# 06 April 2013
# Author:
# John Burkardt
import time
t = time.time ( )
print ( time.ctime ( t ) )
if ( __name__ == '__main__' ):
timestamp ( )
hyper_2f1_test ( )
timestamp ( )
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