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MichaelJF <fri### [at] t-online de> wrote:
> It took me a while to understand this weird javascript recursion and I
> mixed up some - with + or vice versa:
Now that there's some working SDL, I can try to understand where things went off
the rails, and try to make some variations.
Maybe a nested Appolonian gasket, but also one with circles in between 2
straight lines (circles with infinite radius, curvature of zero, resulting in
"Ford circles)
Thanks so much, Michael!
- BW
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But for now...
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#macro DrawCircle (C, PigmNr)
//#debug concat( "C = ", vstr(3, C, ", ", 0, 3), " \n")
//torus {abs(C.z), Line texture {pigment {colour Colours[PigmNr]} finish
{emission 1}} rotate x*90 translate <C.x, C.y, 0>}
#if (C.z > 0 & C.z < 0.6)
sphere {0, abs(C.z) scale <1, 1, 1+pow(abs(C.z), 0.001)> texture {pigment
{colour Colours[PigmNr]} finish {specular 0.4}} translate <C.x, C.y, 0>}
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And of course, because the Appollonian gasket is a foam, . . .
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and with a nested gasket, we could do a sort of Sierpinski triangle.
There's some kind of transformation that makes them isomorphic.
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On 17/06/2024 23:49, Bald Eagle wrote:
> Excellent!
> Now that there's some working SDL, I can try to understand where things went off
> the rails, and try to make some variations.
I've updated my page and published the code (at the very bottom).
Sorry, still in French
Kurtz le pirate
Compagnie de la Banquise
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On 18/06/2024 00:50, Bald Eagle wrote:
> And of course, because the Appollonian gasket is a foam, . . .
> bubbles!
GREAT Bubbles. Very good job.
Kurtz le pirate
Compagnie de la Banquise
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Just posting this here for reference.
Would be cool to apply this to the gasket to see what pops out - probably a
Sierpinski Triangle.
Search: conformal mapping of circle to a triangle
- BE
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Now with lenses!
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Am 19.06.2024 um 02:36 schrieb Bald Eagle:
> Now with lenses!
somewhat crazy, but very interesting;)
Best regards
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