I'm currently trying to make moon ground textures that would fit perfectly for
tile mapping
I tried to achieve this with the following concept, if for example, you use
(let's say) the wrinkles and the crackle pattern like
#declare CracklePig =
pigment{ crackle color_map{
[ 0 color srgb 1 ]
[ 0.05 color srgb 0 ]
[ 0.95 color srgb 0 ]
[ 1.0 color srgb 1 ]
} }
#declare WrinklesPig =
pigment{ wrinkles color_map{
[ 0.33 color srgb 0 ]
[ 0.66 color srgb 1 ]
} }
#declare FinalPig =
pigment{ gradient z pigment_map{ [ 0.33 CracklePig ][ 0.66 WrinklesPig ] } }
plane{y, 0 pigment{ FinalPig } }
Here, povray will make a smooth transition between the two 'redefined'
CracklePig and WrinklesPig in 'FinalPig'.
I tried to achieved the same with a code like this so that the wrinkles pattern
loops back on z:
#macro MakePig(TranslateVect)
wrinkles translate TranslateVect
#declare FinalPig = pigment{ gradient z pigment_map{
[0 MakePig(< 0, 0, 0 >) ]
[0.2 MakePig(< 0, 0, 0 >) ]
[0.8 MakePig(< 0, 0, 0.8 >) ]
[1.0 MakePig(< 0, 0, 0.8 >) ]
plane{y, 0 pigment{ FinalPig } }
But that doesn't work, there is a break in the 'gradient' pattern continuity on
z. Eventually, if that had worked I would have made an 'isosurface' with a
'#declare PlaneFunc = function{ y }' and the above Pigment (with .gray keyword
of course).
So my question is: Is it possible to make some kind of tile texture with fractal
noise patterns like 'wrinkles' that would be perfect for tile mapping ?
Or maybe I'm mistaking about how the fractal noise patterns work ?
Do you have a technique I didn't think about to achieve this ?
I'm attaching a image to give you an example of what I want to achieve (but that
image doesn't work 'well' for tile mapping).
Thank you.
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On 8/7/22 07:04, Warren wrote:
> Hello/Hi
> I'm currently trying to make moon ground textures that would fit perfectly for
> tile mapping
Unsure exactly what you are after, but a quick way to tile any 3D
texture is to use warp's repeat and flip as modifiers to the pattern.
warp { repeat x flip x }
warp { repeat y flip y }
warp { repeat z flip z }
If you want to tile any existing image used as a planar image map you'd
use just:
warp { repeat x flip x }
warp { repeat y flip y }
You can implement other kinds of tiling, but there it comes to working
out the details yourself.
Bill P.
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William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymous org> wrote:
> On 8/7/22 07:04, Warren wrote:
> > Hello/Hi
> >
> > I'm currently trying to make moon ground textures that would fit perfectly for
> > tile mapping
> Unsure exactly what you are after, but a quick way to tile any 3D
> texture is to use warp's repeat and flip as modifiers to the pattern.
> warp { repeat x flip x }
> warp { repeat y flip y }
> warp { repeat z flip z }
> If you want to tile any existing image used as a planar image map you'd
> use just:
> warp { repeat x flip x }
> warp { repeat y flip y }
> You can implement other kinds of tiling, but there it comes to working
> out the details yourself.
> Bill P.
Your technique/hint works like a charm (with some adaptation), thank you very
much for your help William ;-D .
Here is the final code to make a tile texture (for those interested):
The 'scene.pov' file:
#version 3.7;
global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 }
#declare ViewWidth = 2;
#declare WidthNumber = 6;
#declare HeightNumber = 3;
#declare FinalWidth = ViewWidth * WidthNumber;
#declare FinalHeight = ViewWidth * HeightNumber;
location < FinalWidth / 2, 100, FinalHeight / 2 >
look_at < FinalWidth / 2, 0, FinalHeight / 2 >
sky z
direction -100 * y
right FinalWidth * x
up FinalHeight * z
light_source{ < 1, 2, 1 > * 1000 color srgb 1 }
//Include file to get colors for the rendered texture ( GrayGroundCol and
MarsCol colors )
#include "../../../../includes/colorsMercenaires.inc"
#declare ColorArray = array[2]{ GrayGroundCol, MarsCol }
#declare PlaneFunc = function{ y }
#declare WrinklesFunc = function{ pattern{ wrinkles
warp{ repeat FinalWidth * x flip
FinalWidth * x }
warp{ repeat FinalHeight * z flip FinalHeight * z
#declare IsoGround =
function{ PlaneFunc(x,y,z)
- WrinklesFunc(x,y,z) * 0.25
max_gradient 2
accuracy 0.001
contained_by{ box{ < -FinalWidth * 2, -1, -FinalHeight * 2 >,
< FinalWidth * 2, 0.25, FinalHeight * 2 > } }
object{ IsoGround pigment{ ColorArray[ColorIndex] } }
And finally the ini file:
; can be 1 instead of 0 too, according to the color index in color array
The final image is exactly what I wanted for a video game (i.e: perfect for tile
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Download 'graylargetile.png' (73 KB)
Preview of image 'graylargetile.png'
