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I was trying to implement a quad-tree data structure, and I got:
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
When I added 4 points, everything was fine, when I added the 5th - which
triggers a subdivision, and it then crashed.
There should probably be something that checks if a mixed-type array is trying
to be added to a uniform-type array.
So I partially debugged that by adding 'mixed' to the creation of the parent
array (duh), but now I get:
Parse Error: Expected 'undeclared identifier', UTF-8 signature BOM found instead
at File: QuadTree.pov Line: 114 Col: 9
That line reads: #local _Q [7] = yes;
Once again, I am thwarted by arrays. :(
#version 3.8;
global_settings {assumed_gamma 1.0}
// /usr/share/qtpovray-3.8/include/
#include "rand.inc"
//#include "transforms.inc"
#declare Red = pigment {rgb <1, 0, 0>};
#declare Green = pigment {rgb <0, 1, 0>};
#declare Blue = pigment {rgb <0, 0, 1>};
#declare RX = 0;
#declare RY = 0;
camera {
location <0, 0, -2>
right x*image_width/image_height
up y
look_at <0, 0, 0>
rotate x*RX
rotate y*RY
light_source {<500, 1000, -4000>/100 rgb 1
rotate x*RX
rotate y*RY
sky_sphere {pigment {rgb 0.2}}
#declare Grid = pigment {rgb 0}
#declare Points = pigment {rgb <0, 1, 0>}
#declare Line = 0.01;
#macro Show (Quad)
sphere {<Quad[1], Quad[2], 0> Line pigment {Grid}}
cylinder {<Quad[1], Quad[2], 0> <Quad[1], Quad[4], 0> Line pigment {Grid}}
sphere {<Quad[1], Quad[4], 0> Line pigment {Grid}}
cylinder {<Quad[1], Quad[4], 0> <Quad[3], Quad[4], 0> Line pigment {Grid}}
sphere {<Quad[3], Quad[4], 0> Line pigment {Grid}}
cylinder {<Quad[3], Quad[4], 0> <Quad[3], Quad[2], 0> Line pigment {Grid}}
sphere {<Quad[3], Quad[2], 0> Line pigment {Grid}}
cylinder {<Quad[3], Quad[2], 0> <Quad[1], Quad[2], 0> Line pigment {Grid}}
#local _size = dimension_size (Quad[5], 1)-1;
#for (P, 0, _size)
sphere {Quad[5][P] Line pigment {Points}}
#macro Contains (_p, _r)
#if (
_p.x > _r.x - _rw &&
_p.x < _r.x + _rw &&
_p.y > _r.x - _rh &&
_p.y > _r.x + _rh &&
#local result = true;
#local result = false;
#macro Rectangle (V1, V2)
// take 2 corner vectors and sort to get min and max
#local _minx = min (V1.x, V2.x);
#local _miny = min (V1.y, V2.y);
#local _maxx = max (V1.x, V2.x);
#local _maxy = max (V1.y, V2.y);
array [4] {_minx, _miny, _maxx, _maxy}
#macro newQuadtree (_r, _cap)
#local _pointArray = array;
#local _childArray = array;
#local newQT = array mixed [9] {ID, _r[0], _r[1], _r[2], _r[3], _pointArray,
_cap, no, _childArray}
#declare Quadtree [ID] = newQT;
#declare ID = ID + 1; // increment the global ID counter
#end // end macro Quadtree
#macro Subdivide (_Q, cap)
#local _CX = (_Q[3] + _Q[1])/2; // center x
#local _CY = (_Q[4] + _Q[2])/2; // center y
#local _HW = (_Q[3] - _Q[1])/2; // half width
#local _HH = (_Q[4] - _Q[2])/2; // half height
// makes 4 new rectangles and creates quadtrees from them
#local CP = <_CX, _CY>; // Center of parent
#local NWC = <_CX - _HW, _CY + _HH>; // Northwest Corner of parent
#local NEC = <_CX + _HW, _CY + _HH>; // Northeast Corner of parent
#local SWC = <_CX - _HW, _CY - _HH>; // Southwest Corner of parent
#local SEC = <_CX + _HW, _CY - _HH>; // Southeast Corner of parent
#local NWR = Rectangle (CP, NWC) // Northwest Rectangle
#local NWQ = newQuadtree (NWR, cap) // Northwest Quadtree
#local NER = Rectangle (CP, NEC)
#local NEQ = newQuadtree (NER, cap)
#local SWR = Rectangle (CP, SWC)
#local SWQ = newQuadtree (SWR, cap)
#local SER = Rectangle (CP, SEC)
#local SEQ = newQuadtree (SER, cap)
#local _Q [7] = yes;
#end// end macro Subdivide
#macro Insert (_p, _Q)
#local _size = dimension_size (_Q[5], 1);
#local _capacity = _Q[6];
#local _subdivided = _Q[7];
#if (_size < _capacity)
#local _Q[5][_size] = _p;
#if (!_subdivided)
Subdivide (_Q, _capacity)
#declare Quadtree = array mixed;
#declare ID = 0;
// make the initial quadtree
#declare Root = Rectangle (<-1, -1>, <1, 1>);
newQuadtree (Root, 4)
// add points to quadtree
#declare Seed = seed (123);
#for (P, 1, 5)
#local _X = SRand (Seed);
#local _Y = SRand (Seed);
Insert (<_X, _Y, 0>, Quadtree[0])
// show Quadtree
#declare treeSize = dimension_size (Quadtree, 1)-1;
#for (Bound, 0, treeSize)
Show (Quadtree[Bound])
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From: kurtz le pirate
Subject: Re: Problems building new [mixed] arrays. Bug(s)?
Date: 28 May 2020 08:55:15
Message: <5ecfb4b3$1@news.povray.org>
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On 28/05/2020 02:24, Bald Eagle wrote:
> I was trying to implement a quad-tree data structure, and I got:
> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> When I added 4 points, everything was fine, when I added the 5th - which
> triggers a subdivision, and it then crashed.
> There should probably be something that checks if a mixed-type array is trying
> to be added to a uniform-type array.
> So I partially debugged that by adding 'mixed' to the creation of the parent
> array (duh), but now I get:
> Parse Error: Expected 'undeclared identifier', UTF-8 signature BOM found instead
> at File: QuadTree.pov Line: 114 Col: 9
> That line reads: #local _Q [7] = yes;
> Once again, I am thwarted by arrays. :(
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #version 3.8;
> global_settings {assumed_gamma 1.0}
> // /usr/share/qtpovray-3.8/include/
> #include "rand.inc"
> //#include "transforms.inc"
> #declare Red = pigment {rgb <1, 0, 0>};
> #declare Green = pigment {rgb <0, 1, 0>};
> #declare Blue = pigment {rgb <0, 0, 1>};
> #declare RX = 0;
> #declare RY = 0;
> camera {
> location <0, 0, -2>
> right x*image_width/image_height
> up y
> look_at <0, 0, 0>
> rotate x*RX
> rotate y*RY
> }
> light_source {<500, 1000, -4000>/100 rgb 1
> rotate x*RX
> rotate y*RY
> }
> sky_sphere {pigment {rgb 0.2}}
> #declare Grid = pigment {rgb 0}
> #declare Points = pigment {rgb <0, 1, 0>}
> #declare Line = 0.01;
> #macro Show (Quad)
> sphere {<Quad[1], Quad[2], 0> Line pigment {Grid}}
> cylinder {<Quad[1], Quad[2], 0> <Quad[1], Quad[4], 0> Line pigment {Grid}}
> sphere {<Quad[1], Quad[4], 0> Line pigment {Grid}}
> cylinder {<Quad[1], Quad[4], 0> <Quad[3], Quad[4], 0> Line pigment {Grid}}
> sphere {<Quad[3], Quad[4], 0> Line pigment {Grid}}
> cylinder {<Quad[3], Quad[4], 0> <Quad[3], Quad[2], 0> Line pigment {Grid}}
> sphere {<Quad[3], Quad[2], 0> Line pigment {Grid}}
> cylinder {<Quad[3], Quad[2], 0> <Quad[1], Quad[2], 0> Line pigment {Grid}}
> #local _size = dimension_size (Quad[5], 1)-1;
> #for (P, 0, _size)
> sphere {Quad[5][P] Line pigment {Points}}
> #end
> #end
> #macro Contains (_p, _r)
> #if (
> _p.x > _r.x - _rw &&
> _p.x < _r.x + _rw &&
> _p.y > _r.x - _rh &&
> _p.y > _r.x + _rh &&
> )
> #local result = true;
> #else
> #local result = false;
> #end
> result
> #end
> #macro Rectangle (V1, V2)
> // take 2 corner vectors and sort to get min and max
> #local _minx = min (V1.x, V2.x);
> #local _miny = min (V1.y, V2.y);
> #local _maxx = max (V1.x, V2.x);
> #local _maxy = max (V1.y, V2.y);
> array [4] {_minx, _miny, _maxx, _maxy}
> #end
> #macro newQuadtree (_r, _cap)
> #local _pointArray = array;
> #local _childArray = array;
> #local newQT = array mixed [9] {ID, _r[0], _r[1], _r[2], _r[3], _pointArray,
> _cap, no, _childArray}
> #declare Quadtree [ID] = newQT;
> #declare ID = ID + 1; // increment the global ID counter
> #end // end macro Quadtree
> #macro Subdivide (_Q, cap)
> #local _CX = (_Q[3] + _Q[1])/2; // center x
> #local _CY = (_Q[4] + _Q[2])/2; // center y
> #local _HW = (_Q[3] - _Q[1])/2; // half width
> #local _HH = (_Q[4] - _Q[2])/2; // half height
> // makes 4 new rectangles and creates quadtrees from them
> #local CP = <_CX, _CY>; // Center of parent
> #local NWC = <_CX - _HW, _CY + _HH>; // Northwest Corner of parent
> #local NEC = <_CX + _HW, _CY + _HH>; // Northeast Corner of parent
> #local SWC = <_CX - _HW, _CY - _HH>; // Southwest Corner of parent
> #local SEC = <_CX + _HW, _CY - _HH>; // Southeast Corner of parent
> #local NWR = Rectangle (CP, NWC) // Northwest Rectangle
> #local NWQ = newQuadtree (NWR, cap) // Northwest Quadtree
> #local NER = Rectangle (CP, NEC)
> #local NEQ = newQuadtree (NER, cap)
> #local SWR = Rectangle (CP, SWC)
> #local SWQ = newQuadtree (SWR, cap)
> #local SER = Rectangle (CP, SEC)
> #local SEQ = newQuadtree (SER, cap)
> #local _Q [7] = yes;
> #end// end macro Subdivide
> #macro Insert (_p, _Q)
> #local _size = dimension_size (_Q[5], 1);
> #local _capacity = _Q[6];
> #local _subdivided = _Q[7];
> #if (_size < _capacity)
> #local _Q[5][_size] = _p;
> #else
> #if (!_subdivided)
> Subdivide (_Q, _capacity)
> #end
> #end
> #end
> #declare Quadtree = array mixed;
> #declare ID = 0;
> // make the initial quadtree
> #declare Root = Rectangle (<-1, -1>, <1, 1>);
> newQuadtree (Root, 4)
> // add points to quadtree
> #declare Seed = seed (123);
> #for (P, 1, 5)
> #local _X = SRand (Seed);
> #local _Y = SRand (Seed);
> Insert (<_X, _Y, 0>, Quadtree[0])
> #end
> // show Quadtree
> #declare treeSize = dimension_size (Quadtree, 1)-1;
> #for (Bound, 0, treeSize)
> Show (Quadtree[Bound])
> #end
I think that :
the macro "newQuadtree()" retrun nothing...
so #local SEQ = newQuadtree (SER, cap) is not valid.
and the parser freaks out :)
Kurtz le pirate
Compagnie de la Banquise
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kurtz le pirate <kur### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> I think that :
> the macro "newQuadtree()" retrun nothing...
> so #local SEQ = newQuadtree (SER, cap) is not valid.
> and the parser freaks out :)
I already caught that and fixed those declarations - good eye, catching those
though. :)
I still get the same weird error.
I have a few other ideas in mind that I will test out, but it's one of the
strangest errors I've gotten...
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> "Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscape net> wrote:
I'm still intrigued.
> #macro newQuadtree (_r, _cap)
> #local _pointArray = array;
> #local _childArray = array;
> #local newQT = array mixed [9] {ID, _r[0], _r[1], _r[2], _r[3], _pointArray,
>_cap, no, _childArray}
Can an array be invoked from another array?
>#if (
> _p.x > _r.x - _rw &&
> _p.x < _r.x + _rw &&
> _p.y > _r.x - _rh &&
> _p.y > _r.x + _rh &&
> )
And pov-ray reads "&&" the same as "&"?
B. Gimeno
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"B. Gimeno" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Can an array be invoked from another array?
Arrays can be child elements of other parent arrays.
> >#if (
> > _p.x > _r.x - _rw &&
> > _p.x < _r.x + _rw &&
> > _p.y > _r.x - _rh &&
> > _p.y > _r.x + _rh &&
> > )
> And pov-ray reads "&&" the same as "&"?
No, probably not. That was a macro I was copy/pasting from a javascript
function that I have yet to invoke, get errors, and edit for proper syntax. ;)
A dozen segmentation faults kinda derailed all of that.
At the moment, I have tracked the problem down to something I ran into before
(somewhere), but had forgotten about - creating an array of arrays, and then
trying to access an uninitialized element of that data structure. POV-Ray's
source code doesn't have any safeguards against that sort of shenanigans by the
user, freaks out when the element of a parent array is another array, and the
desired element of _that_ array doesn't exist --- and it crashes.
I'm not sure if an ifdef() will protect against this kind of thing, but I will
likely try it out and see - perhaps later on today.
I still need to get the "big picture" straigtened out in my head - even if it's
just a flowchart or pseudo-code, so any advice, help, nuggest of wisdom, or
other breadcrumbs are most appreciated.
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