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From: Bald Eagle
Subject: <no subject>
Date: 13 Sep 2018 19:35:00
Message: <web.5b9af324c23a6d9458c7afe0@news.povray.org>
[Floating-point] math is hard.

extra confounding factor that I had failed to consider. So, the lesson to
remember is that floating-point math is always more complex than you think it

I may need something ... stronger than coffee, gin, bourbon, and Stephen's
proprietary family-secret Dried Frog Pills (TM) (R) (c)

I had ironed out some stupid errors and was homing in working out the wonkiness
of a function and, lo and behold, I'm getting an "...uninitialized array
element..." error - not because i was working outside the scope of my 2D array,
but because the comparison I was trying to perform - WAIT --- HAD been
performing for the last week - suddenly didn't like to successfully compare 0 to
.... "zero".


So I have an array of vectors with .y and .z values ranging from 0 to tau, or
2*pi, or whatever the #version's parser allows...

And I just want to see "where" in that range I am....

    #local Mult = 1000;

    #local _Patch = array [6];

    #for (U, 0, Usize)
        #debug concat ("Testing Y = ", Scalar (YVal, 3, 0), " vs ", Vector
(UArray [U], 3, 0), " \n")

(commmence anti-floating point calisthenics...)

        #if ( int(YVal*Mult) >= int(UArray [U].y*Mult) & int(YVal*Mult) <=
int(UArray [U].z*Mult) )

        #local _Patch [0] = UArray [U].x;
        #local _Patch [1] = UArray [U].y;
        #local _Patch [2] = UArray [U].z;

And I mean, it's ZERO, so what do I multiply by and round it with?
Is f'ing  _***INT***_ (0) not ZERO?!


I would like a kind soul to attempt, again, in a practical way, to suggest an
effective algorithm that will allow "easy" and accurate comparison of numbers
derived in some way shape or form from floating point calculations.

Apparently #for (N, 0, ....
doesn't give me a zero that's equal to 0 * N2....

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From: Bald Eagle
Subject: Re: <no subject>
Date: 13 Sep 2018 19:40:01
Message: <web.5b9af4d46f92e856458c7afe0@news.povray.org>
"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
> [Floating-point] math is hard.


> So, the lesson to
> remember is that floating-point math is always more complex than you think it
> is.

Forgot to add wuotes and link and credit:

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: <no subject>
Date: 13 Sep 2018 23:17:25
Message: <5b9b2845$1@news.povray.org>
Am 14.09.2018 um 01:30 schrieb Bald Eagle:

> So I have an array of vectors with .y and .z values ranging from 0 to tau, or
> 2*pi, or whatever the #version's parser allows...
> And I just want to see "where" in that range I am....
>     #local Mult = 1000;
>     #local _Patch = array [6];
>     #for (U, 0, Usize)
>         #debug concat ("Testing Y = ", Scalar (YVal, 3, 0), " vs ", Vector
> (UArray [U], 3, 0), " \n")
> (commmence anti-floating point calisthenics...)
>         #if ( int(YVal*Mult) >= int(UArray [U].y*Mult) & int(YVal*Mult) <=
> int(UArray [U].z*Mult) )
>         #local _Patch [0] = UArray [U].x;
>         #local _Patch [1] = UArray [U].y;
>         #local _Patch [2] = UArray [U].z;
>         #end
>     #end
> And I mean, it's ZERO, so what do I multiply by and round it with?
> Is f'ing  _***INT***_ (0) not ZERO?!
> Apparently #for (N, 0, ....
> doesn't give me a zero that's equal to 0 * N2....


What you're multiplying is YVal, not U.
What you're debug-outputting is YVal rounded to 0 decimals, not YVal
(nor U, for that matter).

And yes, that Random ASCII article is precise to the last digit:
Floating point arithmetics comes with 16 serious issues - and counting.

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: <no subject>
Date: 14 Sep 2018 02:43:15
Message: <5b9b5883$1@news.povray.org>
On 14-9-2018 1:30, Bald Eagle wrote:
> I may need something ... stronger than coffee, gin, bourbon, and Stephen's
> proprietary family-secret Dried Frog Pills (TM) (R) (c)

Be careful about those pills, especially in combination with fire water. 
Stephen certainly warned you about it (or he should have). They got me 
in the padded cell.


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From: Bald Eagle
Subject: Re: <no subject>
Date: 14 Sep 2018 06:30:00
Message: <web.5b9b8d556f92e856458c7afe0@news.povray.org>
clipka <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:

> Wait.
> What you're multiplying is YVal, not U.
> What you're debug-outputting is YVal rounded to 0 decimals, not YVal
> (nor U, for that matter).

Well what I'm comparing the loop integer to is max(0, U*Ustep) [see far below],
and it's crapping out right out of the gate.

                     element  low   high
_X = 0.00000, _Y = 0.00000
Testing Y = 0.000 vs <0.000, 0.000, 1.047> // totally skips this  :(
Testing Y = 0.000 vs <1.000, 1.047, 2.094>
Testing Y = 0.000 vs <2.000, 2.094, 3.142>
Testing Y = 0.000 vs <3.000, 3.142, 4.189>
Testing Y = 0.000 vs <4.000, 4.189, 5.236>
Testing Y = 0.000 vs <5.000, 5.236, 6.283>
Testing Y = 0.000 vs <6.000, 6.283, 6.283>

My #debug output - those are macros - it's rounding to 3 decimals (see above),
the 0 is a flag for +/- "\n".

#declare Ustep = (U2-U1)/(UU);
#declare Vstep = (V2-V1)/(VV);

#debug concat ("UStep = U2 (", Scalar (U2, 5, 0), ") - U1 (", Scalar (U1, 5, 0),
") / Usize (", Scalar (Usize, 5, 0), ") = ", Scalar (Ustep, 5, 1))
#debug concat ("VStep = V2 (", Scalar (V2, 5, 0), ") - V1 (", Scalar (V1, 5, 0),
") / Vsize (", Scalar (Vsize, 5, 0), ") = ", Scalar (Vstep, 5, 1))

#debug "\n\n"

#for (U, 0, UU)     // must be UU because SitchedArray is only that big
 #declare UArray [U] = <U, max(0, U*Ustep), min((U+1)*Ustep, U2)>;
 //#debug concat ("UArray [", Scalar (U, 0, 0), "] = ", Vector (UArray [U], 5,

#for (V, 0, VV) // must be VV because SitchedArray is only that big
 #declare VArray [V] = <V, max(0, V*Vstep), min((V+1)*Vstep, V2)>;
 //#debug concat ("VArray [", Scalar (V, 0, 0), "] = ", Vector (VArray [V], 5,

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From: Bald Eagle
Subject: Re: <no subject>
Date: 14 Sep 2018 11:20:00
Message: <web.5b9bd08a6f92e856c437ac910@news.povray.org>
Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degrootorg> wrote:
> On 14-9-2018 1:30, Bald Eagle wrote:
> > I may need something ... stronger than coffee, gin, bourbon, and Stephen's
> > proprietary family-secret Dried Frog Pills (TM) (R) (c)
> >
> Be careful about those pills, especially in combination with fire water.
> Stephen certainly warned you about it (or he should have). They got me
> in the padded cell.
> --
> Thomas

Lightweight.  :P

Next thing, you'll be telling me that the hookah he and I have been building to
smoke some imported dried Conraua goliath is ... "ill advised".

Now, be a good lad and fetch me a Winchester bottle of ether.

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: <no subject>
Date: 14 Sep 2018 13:13:08
Message: <5b9bec24$1@news.povray.org>
Am 14.09.2018 um 12:28 schrieb Bald Eagle:

>> What you're multiplying is YVal, not U.
>> What you're debug-outputting is YVal rounded to 0 decimals, not YVal
>> (nor U, for that matter).
> Well what I'm comparing the loop integer to is max(0, U*Ustep) [see far below],
> and it's crapping out right out of the gate.

Well, that's not the code you posted.


> My #debug output - those are macros - it's rounding to 3 decimals (see above),
> the 0 is a flag for +/- "\n".

Sorry, my bad. Skimming over the code, I had recognized the structure
typical for a `#debug` with invocations of `str()`, not realizing you
invoked something else entirely.

Still, 3 decimals is far below the precision of POV-Ray's float equality

Given your code, I'm pretty confident UArray[0].y will be 0, but from
the salami slices(*) of code you've posted so far, I can't say the same
for YVal; no post in this thread shows me how that value is computed, so
I don't trust it.

(* I hate to provide support for salami code, by the way. It means that
all I have to go by is "dry" code review, which for a meaningful answer
requires high attention to detail, and even then false assumptions or
misunderstandings may creep in and interfere. Give me a minimal complete
scene file to toy around with anytime, where I can easily verify my
assumptions and understandings by adding more `#debug` lines as I go
along. Providing such a scene may be more work on your side, but
probably saves as much work on mine, leaving more time for me to do
other POV-Ray related stuff.)

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From: Bald Eagle
Subject: Re: <no subject>
Date: 14 Sep 2018 14:00:07
Message: <web.5b9bf6c26f92e856c437ac910@news.povray.org>
The wet and juicy version.

I prefer the bologna descriptor.

The offender is
#declare _Y = function (Angle, _M) {min(max(0, Angle * _M), _M)}

where "Angle" goes from 0 to 1.


#version version;

// floating point comparison debug

#include "colors.inc"

light_source {
 <5, 10, -20>
 color White
 fade_distance 20
 fade_power 2

camera {
    location  <0, 2, -35>
    look_at   <0, 0, -10>

    right x*image_width/image_height
    up y


#macro Scalar (_Value, _P, _N)
 #local _Result = str(_Value, 0, _P);
 #if(_N) #local _Result = concat (_Result, " \n") #end


#macro Vector (_Value, _P, _N)
 #local _Result = concat ("<", vstr(3, _Value, ", ", 0, _P), ">");
 #if(_N) #local _Result = concat (_Result, " \n") #end

#declare Round = function (Value) {ceil(Value - 0.5)}
// Fast NChooseM
#declare FastNCM = function (n, k) {prod(i, k+1, n, i) / prod(i, 1, n-k, i)}

#declare PowerFn = function(s, p) { select(p, pow(s, p), 1, pow(s, p)) }
#declare Bernstein = function (Deg, K, S)
{FastNCM(Deg, K) * PowerFn(S, K) * PowerFn (1 - S, Deg - K)}

#macro Point (VG, UG, Uc, Vc)   // called during interpolation loop due to using
Current [V][U] array
 //#debug concat(Scalar(VG, 0, 0), ", ", Scalar(UG, 0, 1), "\n")
#local Degree = 3;
 #local P =
 #for (j, 0, 3)
  #for (i, 0, 3)
  //#debug concat(Scalar(VG, 0, 0), ", ", Scalar(UG, 0, 0), ", ", Scalar(i, 0,
0), ", ", Scalar(j, 0, 1), "\n")
  Bernstein(Degree, i, Vc) * Bernstein(Degree, j, Uc) * StitchedArray
[VG][UG][i][j] +

#declare Curve = true;

#declare R1 = 10;   //
#declare R2 = 4;   //
#declare Sum = R1+R2;  //

#declare U1 = 0;   // small radius
#declare U2 = 2*pi;   //
#declare V1 = 0;   // large radius
#declare V2 = 2*pi;   //
#declare r0 = R1;
#declare r1 = R2;
//#declare Phi = U1;
#declare   Phi_inc = (2*pi/360)*60;
#declare Theta_inc = (2*pi/360)*20;

#debug "Creating arrays... \n"

// Create an array to hold all of the Bezier patches to cover the surface
#declare Usize = Round ((U2-U1)/Phi_inc)+1;
#declare Vsize = Round((V2-V1)/Theta_inc);
#debug concat ("Usize = ", str(Usize, 0, 3), ",   Vsize = ", str(Vsize, 0, 3),

#declare UU = Usize-1;
#declare VV = Vsize-1;

#debug concat ("UU = ", str(UU, 0, 3), ",   VV = ", str(VV, 0, 3), "\n")

#declare UArray = array [Usize+1];
#declare VArray = array [Vsize+1];

#debug concat ("UArray extends from 0 to ", str(dimension_size(UArray,1)-1, 0,
3), " \n")
#debug concat ("VArray extends from 0 to ", str(dimension_size(VArray,1)-1, 0,
3), " \n")

#declare StitchedArray = array[Vsize][Usize];

#for (U, 0, UU)
 #for (V, 0, VV)
  #local StitchedArray [V][U] = array[4][4];


#debug concat ("StitchedArray is ", str(dimension_size(StitchedArray, 1)-1, 0,
3), " x ", str(dimension_size(StitchedArray, 2)-1, 0, 3), " elements \n\n")


#declare Ustep = (U2-U1)/(UU);
#declare Vstep = (V2-V1)/(VV);

#debug concat ("UStep = U2 (", Scalar (U2, 5, 0), ") - U1 (", Scalar (U1, 5, 0),
") / Usize (", Scalar (Usize, 5, 0), ") = ", Scalar (Ustep, 5, 1))
#debug concat ("VStep = V2 (", Scalar (V2, 5, 0), ") - V1 (", Scalar (V1, 5, 0),
") / Vsize (", Scalar (Vsize, 5, 0), ") = ", Scalar (Vstep, 5, 1))

#debug "\n\n"

#for (U, 0, UU)     // must be UU because SitchedArray is only that big
 #declare UArray [U] = <U, max(0, U*Ustep), min((U+1)*Ustep, U2)>;
 //#debug concat ("UArray [", Scalar (U, 0, 0), "] = ", Vector (UArray [U], 5,

#for (V, 0, VV) // must be VV because SitchedArray is only that big
 #declare VArray [V] = <V, max(0, V*Vstep), min((V+1)*Vstep, V2)>;
 //#debug concat ("VArray [", Scalar (V, 0, 0), "] = ", Vector (VArray [V], 5,


// Determines the Bezier patch in the 2D array that the function coordinates
fall on
#macro ThisPatch (XVal, YVal)
    #local Mult = 1000;

    //#local _Patch = <0, 0>;
    #local _Patch = array [6];

    #for (U, 0, Usize)
        #debug concat ("Testing Y = ", Scalar (YVal, 3, 0), " vs ", Vector
(UArray [U], 3, 0), " \n")
        #if ( int(YVal*Mult) >= int(UArray [U].y*Mult) & int(YVal*Mult) <=
int(UArray [U].z*Mult) )

        #local _Patch [0] = UArray [U].x;
        #local _Patch [1] = UArray [U].y;
        #local _Patch [2] = UArray [U].z;

    #ifndef (_Patch [0]) #debug "_Patch [0] U not defined \n" #end

    #for (V, 0, Vsize)
    #debug concat ("Testing X = ", Scalar (XVal, 3, 0), " vs ", Vector (VArray
[V], 3, 0), " \n")
        #if (XVal >= VArray [V].y & XVal <= VArray [V].z)

        #local _Patch [3] = VArray [V].x;
        #local _Patch [4] = VArray [V].y;
        #local _Patch [5] = VArray [V].z;

    #ifndef (_Patch [3]) #debug "_Patch [3] V not defined \n" #end


#macro Vector4 (_Value, _P, _N)
 #local _Result = concat ("<", vstr(4, _Value, ", ", 0, _P), ">");
 #if(_N) #local _Result = concat (_Result, " \n") #end

// Determines where on individual Bezier patch function coordinates are
#macro PatchUV (XVal, YVal)
    #local Range = ThisPatch (XVal, YVal);
    #local ThisU = (YVal - Range [1]) / (Range [2]- Range [1]);
    #local ThisV = (XVal - Range [4]) / (Range [5]- Range [4]);
    #local _Result = <Range [3], Range [0], ThisV, ThisU>;
    //#debug Vector4 (_Result, 3, 1)


#if (Curve)

    #declare N = 5;
 #declare _X = function (_N, Angle, _M) {min (_N*mod(Angle, 1/_N) * _M, _M)}
 #declare _Y = function (Angle, _M) {min(max(0, Angle * _M), _M)}

 #declare F = 1.0000001; // LastPoint multiplier to avoid [most] degenerate
 #for (Theta, 0, 1, 0.001)

  #debug concat ("_X = ", Scalar (_X(N, Theta, Vsize), 5, 0), ", _Y = ", Scalar
(_Y(Theta, Usize), 5, 1))

  #local UV = PatchUV ( _X(N, Theta, Vsize), _Y(Theta, Usize) );
  // this converts the points to 'flat' UV, but now they need to be converted to
the interpolated Bezier coordinates
  #local CurrentPoint = Point (UV.x, UV.y, UV.z, UV.t);
  //#debug Vector (Point, 3, 1)
  //#debug Vector (UV, 3, 1)
  sphere {CurrentPoint Radius pigment {White*Theta}}
  #if (Theta > 0)
   cylinder {LastPoint*F, CurrentPoint, Radius texture {CurveTex} }
  #local LastPoint = CurrentPoint;


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From: clipka
Subject: Re: <no subject>
Date: 14 Sep 2018 15:55:45
Message: <5b9c1241$1@news.povray.org>
Am 14.09.2018 um 19:58 schrieb Bald Eagle:
> The wet and juicy version.
> I prefer the bologna descriptor.
> The offender is
> #declare _Y = function (Angle, _M) {min(max(0, Angle * _M), _M)}
> where "Angle" goes from 0 to 1.

That's not what i see.

What I see (after fixing some line-wrapped comments) is an error
encountering "srgb" before "assumed_gamma".

When that is fixed (by not including colors.inc and instead defining
"White" manually), I get an error in

    #debug concat ("Testing Y = ", Scalar (YVal, 3, 0), " vs ", Vector
(UArray [U], 3, 0), " \n")

where U reaches 7.

Which is not surprising, since you have

    #for (U, 0, Usize)

while the array is only Usize elements long, from 0 to Usize-1.

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: <no subject>
Date: 14 Sep 2018 16:03:02
Message: <5b9c13f6$1@news.povray.org>
Am 14.09.2018 um 21:55 schrieb clipka:

> Which is not surprising, since you have
>     #for (U, 0, Usize)
> while the array is only Usize elements long, from 0 to Usize-1.

Sorry, that's an imprecise observation; the array is Usize+1 elements
long, so it has space for elements from 0 to Usize. But you're only
initializing elements from 0 to UU, with UU = Usize-1, so element Usize
remains uninitialized.

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