clipka <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
> Now here's the catch: When you instantiate any primitive or compound
> object in POV-Ray using `object{FOO}`, POV-Ray creates a COPY of the
> object in question.
> For most primitives and compound objects, this means the memory
> requirements are doubled.
> Only a handful of inherently memory-intensive primitives - such as
> meshes, blobs and height fields - share their bulk data among copies,
> thus allowing for a reduced memory footprint despite high number of
> copies. Unions and other CSG compounds - although potentially
> memory-intensive as well, depending on their complexity - do not fall
> into this category.
Thanks for that, and for the other comments about 'single leaf' mesh memory vs.
an entire tree mesh; very informative (and it clears up some of my own
misconceptions and guesses).
Besides meshes, blobs and height_fields, are there any other particular objects
that share data among copies (to the extent that the copies reduce the overall
memory needs in a meaningful way?)
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Am 25.07.2018 um 00:57 schrieb Kenneth:
> Besides meshes, blobs and height_fields, are there any other particular objects
> that share data among copies (to the extent that the copies reduce the overall
> memory needs in a meaningful way?)
I've just had a quick look at the source code; there are actually a lot
more primitives that seem to share data than I remembered:
- blob
- height_field
- isosurface (sharing the function code)
- lathe
- mesh / mesh2
- polygon
- prism
- sor
- text (data shared on a per-character basis)
Also, I might have missed one or two others. I just had a cursory glance.
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