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Hi group,
It seems that the tierra project, as far as i remember, is tile based.
I am thinking on a method to make it spherical (to simulate low earth orbit)
For the moment i see two options, one cheap and dirty, the other complicated.
cheap&dirty :
-Use an optical artifact to "sphericize" the scene. (would distort the straight
lines even at close distance however, but the effect would be manageable on a
straight "short segment" object, no ?
complicated :
- make several small terrain tiles and pave a polyhedra with a lot of facets
But there would be still a need to replace lightsys sky with a spherical media
(that should be doable, i have already a project for that)
Any ideas ? A project that does that may already exist... or another new library
i do not know the existence of... ;)
Have a nice day
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On 03/22/2017 09:23 PM, rodv92 wrote:
> Hi group,
> It seems that the tierra project, as far as i remember, is tile based.
> I am thinking on a method to make it spherical (to simulate low earth orbit)
> For the moment i see two options, one cheap and dirty, the other complicated.
> cheap&dirty :
> -Use an optical artifact to "sphericize" the scene. (would distort the straight
> lines even at close distance however, but the effect would be manageable on a
> straight "short segment" object, no ?
> complicated :
> - make several small terrain tiles and pave a polyhedra with a lot of facets
> But there would be still a need to replace lightsys sky with a spherical media
> (that should be doable, i have already a project for that)
> Any ideas ? A project that does that may already exist... or another new library
> i do not know the existence of... ;)
> Have a nice day
> Rod.
Hi Rod,
If you've not found it already, see Christoph Horman's
http://earth.imagico.de/main.php site.
Hope your day is a good one as well,
Bill P.
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William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymous org> wrote:
> On 03/22/2017 09:23 PM, rodv92 wrote:
> > Hi group,
> >
> > It seems that the tierra project, as far as i remember, is tile based.
> > I am thinking on a method to make it spherical (to simulate low earth orbit)
> >
> > For the moment i see two options, one cheap and dirty, the other complicated.
> >
> > cheap&dirty :
> > -Use an optical artifact to "sphericize" the scene. (would distort the straight
> > lines even at close distance however, but the effect would be manageable on a
> > straight "short segment" object, no ?
> >
> > complicated :
> > - make several small terrain tiles and pave a polyhedra with a lot of facets
> >
> > But there would be still a need to replace lightsys sky with a spherical media
> > (that should be doable, i have already a project for that)
> >
> > Any ideas ? A project that does that may already exist... or another new library
> > i do not know the existence of... ;)
> >
> > Have a nice day
> >
> > Rod.
> >
> >
> Hi Rod,
> If you've not found it already, see Christoph Horman's
> http://earth.imagico.de/main.php site.
> Hope your day is a good one as well,
> Bill P.
Thanks for the input. I checked and will try to get in touch with Cristoph
Horman. The goal is to get a super high resolution cylindrical map of earth.
After thinking, i'll drop the 3D constraint for terrain at LEO altitudes and use
a simple 2D texture.
For the moment i used https://www.h-schmidt.net/map/ and the 43200*16000 rez map
based on NASA blue marble and a simple image map and i am quite satisfied with
the result.
If anyone finds something even bigger, i am interested.
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