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I'm trying to make a elliptical hyperboloid like
paraboloid like
As I was searching on POV-Ray I got
Is there a good way to draw these two? Is there any macro for these?
Be yourself and make others happy :)
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From: Le Forgeron
Subject: Re: How to make Elliptical Hyperboloid and paraboloid
Date: 4 Aug 2015 03:49:36
Message: <55c06e90$1@news.povray.org>
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Le 04/08/2015 07:47, Feeler a écrit :
> I'm trying to make a elliptical hyperboloid like
> http://img.ctrlv.in/img/15/08/04/55c051410afa4.png
> and
> paraboloid like
> http://img.ctrlv.in/img/15/08/04/55c0511271b75.png
> As I was searching on POV-Ray I got
> http://www.povray.org/documentation/view/3.6.1/471/
> Is there a good way to draw these two? Is there any macro for these?
no real need of macro, your two objects are basic quadric.
If you get the equations for them, the transcription is easy
For instance, a paraboloid on y axis, with circular base is
quadric { < 1, 0, 1> , <0, 0, 0>, < 0, -1 , 0>, 0 }
(To reverse it's direction, toggle the minus sign.
To translate it along the y axis, change the single 0 at the end.)
An hyperboloid can have 2 forms: one with a single surface (sheet),
another with two sheets.
quadric { < a2, b2, -c2> , <0,0,0>,<0,0,0>, -1 }
for an hyperboloid along z axis (a2, b2 and c2 being the squared
coefficients of the reference ellipsoid)
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Le_Forgeron <lef### [at] free fr> wrote:
> Le 04/08/2015 07:47, Feeler a écrit :
> > I'm trying to make a elliptical hyperboloid like
> >
> > http://img.ctrlv.in/img/15/08/04/55c051410afa4.png
> > and
> > paraboloid like
> >
> > http://img.ctrlv.in/img/15/08/04/55c0511271b75.png
> >
> > As I was searching on POV-Ray I got
> > http://www.povray.org/documentation/view/3.6.1/471/
> >
> > Is there a good way to draw these two? Is there any macro for these?
> >
> no real need of macro, your two objects are basic quadric.
> If you get the equations for them, the transcription is easy
> http://www.povray.org/documentation/3.7.0/r3_4.html#r3_4_5_3_6
> For instance, a paraboloid on y axis, with circular base is
> quadric { < 1, 0, 1> , <0, 0, 0>, < 0, -1 , 0>, 0 }
> (To reverse it's direction, toggle the minus sign.
> To translate it along the y axis, change the single 0 at the end.)
> An hyperboloid can have 2 forms: one with a single surface (sheet),
> another with two sheets.
> http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Hyperboloid.html
> http://mathworld.wolfram.com/EllipticHyperboloid.html
> quadric { < a2, b2, -c2> , <0,0,0>,<0,0,0>, -1 }
> for an hyperboloid along z axis (a2, b2 and c2 being the squared
> coefficients of the reference ellipsoid)
Thanks a lot. Its very helpfull to me. But these quadric equations formed
infinite hyperboliod and peraboloid. Is there a way to limit these to.
I have a starting point and a height point i.e. I have to make it between these
two point, is it possible?
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From: Le Forgeron
Subject: Re: How to make Elliptical Hyperboloid and paraboloid
Date: 5 Aug 2015 01:28:33
Message: <55c19f01@news.povray.org>
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Le 05/08/2015 05:18, Feeler a écrit :
> Thanks a lot. Its very helpfull to me. But these quadric equations formed
> infinite hyperboliod and peraboloid. Is there a way to limit these to.
> I have a starting point and a height point i.e. I have to make it between these
> two point, is it possible?
you can add the object modifier "clipped_by { ... }" to limit the region
of space in which an object such as a quadric is to be present.
for the paraboloid, the easiest value for ... is a plane (remember that
povray's plane are not just an infinite surface, it's also an infinite
volume splitting the universe in two).
You "just" have to position the plane at the "height point", with the
normal away from the starting point.
For the hyperboloid, a box is probably what you are expecting. The
delicate part is to compute the two corners from your two points.
(that's easy is the hyperboloid is along the axis, it becomes less easy
if it is rotated in the formula itself)
quadric { < 1, 0, 1> ,< 0, 0, 0>,< 0, -1, 0>, 0
clipped_by { y, 4 }
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From: Le Forgeron
Subject: Re: How to make Elliptical Hyperboloid and paraboloid
Date: 5 Aug 2015 01:28:58
Message: <55c19f1a$1@news.povray.org>
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Le 05/08/2015 07:28, Le_Forgeron a écrit :
> quadric { < 1, 0, 1> ,< 0, 0, 0>,< 0, -1, 0>, 0
> clipped_by { plane { y, 4 } }
> }
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