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I'm trying to make a Right hyperbolic cylinder as
I have three points, apex-to-asymptotic distance for making hyperbola,
rectangular half-width.
I was trying to make it by taking help of non-linear functions but in it z axis
is not given
function { pow(x,2) + y }
as given on page
Is there any macro which can be used to make hyperbolic cylinder.
Gurwinder Singh Bains
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Hash: SHA256
Le 16/07/2015 13:06, bakom a écrit :
> Hello, I'm trying to make a Right hyperbolic cylinder as
> http://img.ctrlv.in/img/15/07/16/55a78f6b43b96.png
> I have three points, apex-to-asymptotic distance for making
> hyperbola, rectangular half-width. I was trying to make it by
> taking help of non-linear functions but in it z axis is not given
> function { pow(x,2) + y }
That's look like a parabolic, not hyperbolic.
When the z axis is not given, it extend to infinity on z axis. A
contained_by { box ... } might help to limit the range of z's value.
> as given on page
> www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact
> yV5c74ncDYlqxuA&sig2=ayxlZZLEt8y3oNClqasTIA&bvm=bv.97949915,d.c2E
That's a convoluted way to reference Povray documentation:
> http://www.povray.org/documentation/view/3.6.1/73/
> Is there any macro which can be used to make hyperbolic cylinder.
as Wolfram says:
> http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Hyperbola.html
the function might be something alike:
function{ pow(x,2)/a2 - pow(y,2)/b2 - 1 }
a2 is the square of half distance between both extrema
b2 is c2 - a2, with c2 being the square of half distance between
"focal" points (c2 > a2).
> Thanks Gurwinder Singh Bains
Version: GnuPG v2
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> > http://img.ctrlv.in/img/15/07/16/55a78f6b43b96.png
> >
> > I have three points, apex-to-asymptotic distance for making
> > hyperbola, rectangular half-width. I was trying to make it by
> > taking help of non-linear functions but in it z axis is not given
> >
> > function { pow(x,2) + y }
> That's look like a parabolic, not hyperbolic.
Thanks for correcting me.
> When the z axis is not given, it extend to infinity on z axis. A
> contained_by { box ... } might help to limit the range of z's value.
> >
> That's a convoluted way to reference Povray documentation:
> > http://www.povray.org/documentation/view/3.6.1/73/
> > Is there any macro which can be used to make hyperbolic cylinder.
> >
> as Wolfram says:
> > http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Hyperbola.html
> the function might be something alike:
> function{ pow(x,2)/a2 - pow(y,2)/b2 - 1 }
> a2 is the square of half distance between both extrema
> b2 is c2 - a2, with c2 being the square of half distance between
> "focal" points (c2 > a2).
I worked on the above, but I'm unable to get what I want till now. As I
mentioned I have
three points, apex-to-asymptotic distance for making
hyperbola, rectangular half-width.
So I'm trying to make my own macro. So is there any example for it?
Gurwinder Singh Bains
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