I've got a surface made up of bicubic patches, and I want to clip it to a box
region so that I can see the cross-section of the surface. I've tried using
"clipped_by{ box { <0, 0, 0>, <100, 100, 100> } }" and "bounded_by{ box { <0, 0,
0>, <100, 100, 100> } }", but they have no effect, the entire surface is still
visible. For example, the following should not be visible at all, but it is:
type 1
flatness 0
< -450, 0, -347>, < -449, 0, -115>, < -450, 0, 115>, < -450, 0, 347>,
< -453, 0, -347>, < -453, 0, -115>, < -453, 0, 115>, < -453, 0, 347>,
< -456, 0, -347>, < -456, 0, -115>, < -456, 0, 115>, < -456, 0, 347>,
< -460, 0, -347>, < -460, 0, -115>, < -460, 0, 115>, < -460, 0, 347>
rgbf <0.278,0.5,0.25, 1>
rgbf <0.5,0.235,0.157, 1>
clipped_by{ box { <0, 0, 0>, <100, 100, 100> } }
Any suggestions?
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