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I finally got around to downloading Ive's spectral render rack. When trying to
render the sample scene Ring.pov, I got a missing semicolon error. The command
line and message output are reproduced here:
> povray Ring.pov +KI1 +KF36 +KFI38 +KFF73 +A0.01 +AM2 +R4 +w800 +h600 +FE
povray: This is a RELEASE CANDIDATE version of POV-Ray. General distribution is
Persistence of Vision(tm) Ray Tracer Version 3.7.0.RC7 (g++ 4.7 @
This is a release candidate of POV-Ray version 3.7.0.
General distribution is strongly discouraged.
POV-Ray is based on DKBTrace 2.12 by David K. Buck & Aaron A. Collins
Copyright 1991-2003 Persistence of Vision Team
Copyright 2003-2012 Persistence of Vision Raytracer Pty. Ltd.
Primary POV-Ray 3.7 Architects/Developers: (Alphabetically)
Chris Cason Thorsten Froehlich Christoph Lipka
With Assistance From: (Alphabetically)
Nicolas Calimet Jerome Grimbert James Holsenback Christoph Hormann
Nathan Kopp Juha Nieminen
Past Contributors: (Alphabetically)
Steve Anger Eric Barish Dieter Bayer David K. Buck
Nicolas Calimet Chris Cason Aaron A. Collins Chris Dailey
Steve Demlow Andreas Dilger Alexander Enzmann Dan Farmer
Thorsten Froehlich Mark Gordon James Holsenback Christoph Hormann
Mike Hough Chris Huff Kari Kivisalo Nathan Kopp
Lutz Kretzschmar Christoph Lipka Jochen Lippert Pascal Massimino
Jim McElhiney Douglas Muir Juha Nieminen Ron Parker
Bill Pulver Eduard Schwan Wlodzimierz Skiba Robert Skinner
Yvo Smellenbergh Zsolt Szalavari Scott Taylor Massimo Valentini
Timothy Wegner Drew Wells Chris Young
Other contributors are listed in the documentation.
Support libraries used by POV-Ray:
ZLib 1.2.7, Copyright 1995-2012 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler
LibPNG 1.4.11, Copyright 1998-2012 Glenn Randers-Pehrson
LibJPEG 80, Copyright 1991-2013 Thomas G. Lane, Guido Vollbeding
LibTIFF 4.0.2, Copyright 1988-1997 Sam Leffler, 1991-1997 SGI
Boost 1.49, http://www.boost.org/
OpenEXR, Copyright (c) 2004-2007, Industrial Light & Magic.
Rendering frame 1 of 36
Rendering frame 1 of 36
Parser Options
Input file: Ring.pov
Remove bounds........Off
Split unions.........Off
Library paths:
Animation Options
Initial Frame: 38 Final Frame: 73
Frame Step: 1
Initial Clock: 1.000 Final Clock: 36.000
Cyclic Animation.....Off Field render.........Off Odd lines/frames.....Off
Image Output Options
Image resolution.....800 by 600 (rows 1 to 600, columns 1 to 800).
Output file..........Ring38.exr, 24 bpp EXR
Graphic display......On (gamma: sRGB)
Mosaic preview.......Off
Continued trace......Off
Information Output Options
All Streams to console..........On
Debug Stream to console.........On
Fatal Stream to console.........On
Render Stream to console........On
Statistics Stream to console....On
Warning Stream to console.......On
==== [Parsing...] ==========================================================
Spectral rendering: wavelength 380nm
File 'spectral_materials.inc' line 246: Parse Error: All #declares of float,
vector, and color require semi-colon ';' at end if the language version is set
to 3.5 or higher. Either add the semi-colon or set the language version to 3.1
or lower.
Fatal error in parser: Cannot parse input.
Render failed
There are clearly sufficient semicolons on and before line 246. As far as I can
tell, the call seems to originate with the C_Average call on line 75 of
Ring.pov, but I cannot be completely sure. (I will so be ecstatic when the dev
team implements the call stack postmortem.) A bit of analysis indicates that
the parser does not interpret SpecData1 as an array, so when it sees the '[', it
thinks that the r-value is finished. As I am still trying to figure out how
this package works, I'm not in a position to figure out exactly what went wrong.
Prism.pov produces the same error, but ColorChecker.pov renders flawlessly.
POV-Ray version: 3.7.0.RC7
Operating system: openSUSE 12.2 Linux
Hardware: Dell Inspiron 17R, Intel Core i7
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From: Ive
Subject: Re: Parse error in Ive's spectral render sample scenes
Date: 5 Nov 2013 18:54:10
Message: <52798522@news.povray.org>
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Am 05.11.2013 23:18, schrieb Cousin Ricky:
> I finally got around to downloading Ive's spectral render rack. When trying to
> render the sample scene Ring.pov, I got a missing semicolon error. The command
> line and message output are reproduced here:
Yes, I know and it is all my fault due some last minute "improvement"
without proper testing.
The problem is the "D_Metal" macro as used within "C_Average" that does
(in spectral mode) not return an array as it should.
#macro User_Spectral_Metal (N, K, Reflectance)
material {
texture {
pigment {
pigment_pattern {image_map{png "ornament" interpolate 2}
rotate x*90 translate -z*0.04 scale <0.1667,0.78,0.78>
color_map {
//*** -> D_Metal in the next line causes the error ***
[0 C_Average( D_Metal(N, K), 1, D_CC_F4, 2) ]
[1 C_Metal(N, K) ]
warp {cylindrical orientation y dist_exp 0 }
finish {
ambient 0 emission 0 diffuse (0.5 - Reflectance*0.45)
reflection {0 Reflectance fresnel on
#if (WavelengthIndex < 0) metallic #end
brilliance EXT_Metal(N, K)
#if (WavelengthIndex < 0) metallic #end
normal {
bump_map {png "ornament_bump" interpolate 2}
rotate x*90 translate -z*0.04 scale <0.1667,0.78,0.78>
bump_size 0.05
warp {cylindrical orientation y dist_exp 0 }
interior {IOR_Metal(N, K)}
...and well, it took me quite some time to figure this out. Some
debugger for SDL would really have helped ;)
> Prism.pov produces the same error
??? Works fine here.
I have posted a (hopefully) fixed version of spectral_materials.inc to
Anyway, thanks for the reminder. Version 2.0 for the spectral render
system is ready since almost a year.
But the whole project is kinda stalled as I wanted to add some nice
example scene for minerals (as spectral rendering really makes sense
there) but never had the time for doing it.
In case you are interested (this would actually be of great help,
especially for avoiding such stupid mistakes) just drop me a line and
I'll send you version 2 as it is now. This could even help to encourage
me in *making* some free time to *do* the desired example scene.
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Ive <ive### [at] lilysoft org> wrote:
> Am 05.11.2013 23:18, schrieb Cousin Ricky:
> > Prism.pov produces the same error
> ??? Works fine here.
I can't find that run in my command history. I must have had some mental lapse.
> I have posted a (hopefully) fixed version of spectral_materials.inc to
> p.b.scene-files
I can't unzip the file. I don't know whether the problem is on my end or yours,
but I'll keep trying.
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"Cousin Ricky" <rickysttATyahooDOTcom> wrote:
> I can't unzip the file. I don't know whether the problem is on my end or yours,
> but I'll keep trying.
Problem solved. My archive software has a UI issue with 7z files, but I
unzipped it through the back door. Everything works now.
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