> I am applying thread effect on a Shoe object.Thread effect are not showing
> properly.For effect I am using a transparent png image as strip.
> texture { pigment {image_map { png "extra/images/toe-hole.png" interpolate 2 }}
> }
> here is an povray output: http://www.vdocity.com/clients/images/MenShoe.bmp
> and I want like Demo Shoe: http://www.vdocity.com/clients/images/MenShoeDemo.jpg
> please help, how can I apply thread effect on leather pattern.
> Thanks
The effect you want involve some shadow comforming to the actual relief.
Only an image applied is not enough. It may work for a specific
orientation relative to a given light, but not in the general case.
You can actualy model the holes and relief of the stitching, or fake it
using some bump mapping.
To get the best results, you'll need to actualy model each pieces of
leather with the appropriate holes and stitching.
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