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This may not be a bug, but it is certainly confusing me (easier to do these
This is using POV-Ray 3.7 RC4 on Mac, but is likely a language issue on all
platforms. I have poked through the docs and POV-Wiki to no avail.
I'm starting to play with pre-creating arrays of texture elements, and writing
macros to help pre-build color-maps for them. I've done this successfully with
certain elements (for example "pigment"). But I cannot do the same construct
for the "color_map" element. Here's a boiled down scene file that will cause a
syntax error:
// POV-Ray 3.7 file that gives a syntax error when using a macro to init an
array element
#version 3.7
// define a Macro that creates a color_map
#macro ColorMapMacro(lineColor)
[ 0.0 color rgb 0 ]
[ 0.5 color rgb lineColor ]
[ 1.0 color rgb 0 ]
// create a local color_map variable from the macro, this works fine
#local localCM= ColorMapMacro(<1,1,1>);
// declare an array of color_maps
#local ColorMapArray1 = array[3];
// now MANUALLY initialize each element in 3 different ways
#local ColorMapArray1[0] = color_map
[ 0.0 color rgb 0 ]
[ 0.5 color rgb 1 ]
[ 1.0 color rgb 0 ]
#local ColorMapArray1[1] = localCM;
#local ColorMapArray1[2] = ColorMapMacro(<1,1,1>);
// Do the same thing, but this time use the inline array initializer syntax
#local ColorMapArray2 = array[3]
[ 0.0 color rgb 0 ]
[ 0.5 color rgb 1 ]
[ 1.0 color rgb 0 ]
// "Parse Error: Attempted to redefine colour map identifier as object
What part of the POV-Ray language syntax am I missing here? Can't an array
element be initialized from a macro? Isn't it just magically injecting a
color_map declaration there?
I am poised with my hand hovering over my forehead, for the upcoming slap. :-)
POV-Ray Mac Developer - Emeritus
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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: Array initializer versus macros - syntax error
Date: 1 Mar 2012 23:43:05
Message: <4f504fd9$1@news.povray.org>
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On 01.03.12 23:09, Drakonis wrote:
> // Do the same thing, but this time use the inline array initializer syntax
> #local ColorMapArray2 = array[3]
> {
> color_map
> {
> [ 0.0 color rgb 0 ]
> [ 0.5 color rgb 1 ]
> [ 1.0 color rgb 0 ]
> },
> localCM,
> // "Parse Error: Attempted to redefine colour map identifier as object
> identifier."
> ColorMapMacro(<1,1,1>)
> }
> What part of the POV-Ray language syntax am I missing here? Can't an array
> element be initialized from a macro? Isn't it just magically injecting a
> color_map declaration there?
> I am poised with my hand hovering over my forehead, for the upcoming slap. :-)
Hello Eduard!
The error message is really funny, isn't it? The reason is as trivial as
the explanation Chris Young wrote for the docs: "POV-Ray macros are a
strange mix of macros and functions." in
<http://www.povray.org/documentation/view/3.6.1/243/#s02_02_02_08_03> .
And you happen to catch the macro in a case where the macros behaves like a
function. It returns an object identifier of type "color_map", but too bad
for you, it isn't a scene-level object, but one of those special cases that
isn't really an object internally. As the docs (knowing this was written by
Chris Young) say "When the body of a macro consists of statements that
create an entire item such as an object, texture, etc. then the macro acts
like a function which returns a single value." So when you try to assign it
to the array, the code thinks you are assigning a (scene-level) object to
the array of the special type of color_map" objects. It would need to do
more inspection here, but that isn't happening.
Honestly, I didn't even know (!!!) it was possible to assign color_map
objects to arrays before looking into the code, but it is also pretty clear
that fixing the color_map assignment might not be trivial (though I haven't
stepped through the code just yet). Especially given color_map code tends to
leak so quickly and in so many unusual cases.
Of course, this does not solve the problem at hand, but: You might try to
declare the return value of the macro locally, and then return that value.
This might work...
As for fixing this in 3.7, it probably isn't a good idea to mess with the
parser at this stage and on this level. But filing a bug report might be a
good idea ;-)
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Thorsten Froehlich <tho### [at] trf de> wrote:
> > I am poised with my hand hovering over my forehead, for the upcoming slap. :-)
> Hello Eduard!
> The error message is really funny, isn't it? The reason is as trivial as
> the explanation Chris Young wrote for the docs: "POV-Ray macros are a
> strange mix of macros and functions." in
> <http://www.povray.org/documentation/view/3.6.1/243/#s02_02_02_08_03> .
> And you happen to catch the macro in a case where the macros behaves like a
> function. It returns an object identifier of type "color_map", but too bad
> for you, it isn't a scene-level object, but one of those special cases that
> isn't really an object internally. As the docs (knowing this was written by
> Chris Young) say "When the body of a macro consists of statements that
> create an entire item such as an object, texture, etc. then the macro acts
> like a function which returns a single value." So when you try to assign it
> to the array, the code thinks you are assigning a (scene-level) object to
> the array of the special type of color_map" objects. It would need to do
> more inspection here, but that isn't happening.
> Honestly, I didn't even know (!!!) it was possible to assign color_map
> objects to arrays before looking into the code, but it is also pretty clear
> that fixing the color_map assignment might not be trivial (though I haven't
> stepped through the code just yet). Especially given color_map code tends to
> leak so quickly and in so many unusual cases.
> Of course, this does not solve the problem at hand, but: You might try to
> declare the return value of the macro locally, and then return that value.
> This might work...
> As for fixing this in 3.7, it probably isn't a good idea to mess with the
> parser at this stage and on this level. But filing a bug report might be a
> good idea ;-)
> Thorsten
Hi there Thorsten!
I had read and re-read that macro section, and tried altering the macro in a
number of ways before giving up and writing this plea for help :-) Chris's
general paragraph there has hints, but I was still not sure if this could be
considered a bug... so I was not ready to write a bug report (and definitely not
for a 3.7 fix!)
On the other hand, I cannot see an easy way to get what I want... that is, a way
to create an array of color_maps, and an array of pigments without color_maps,
so that I can choose a random color_map from the array to inject into a random
pigment from another array in my scene.
I did know that arrays of pigment{} will work, so I thought I could instead
pre-create the pigment statement I want (without a color map) and pass that into
the macro as a parameter, and the macro could ADD a new color_map and wrap the
whole thing in a new pigment element... but that doesn't let me mix and match
pigments and different color-maps.
I will ponder this more. But thank you for responding and explaining that
color_map is not the same first-class scene-object-citizen that pigment is.
That makes sense in my programmer brain, but not in my end-user brain :-)
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From: Warp
Subject: Re: Array initializer versus macros - syntax error
Date: 2 Mar 2012 14:07:32
Message: <4f511a74@news.povray.org>
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Drakonis <dra### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> I will ponder this more. But thank you for responding and explaining that
> color_map is not the same first-class scene-object-citizen that pigment is.
> That makes sense in my programmer brain, but not in my end-user brain :-)
Did you try what Thorsten suggested, ie. declaring a local identifier
and "returning" it from the macro? In other words, like:
#macro ColorMapMacro(lineColor)
#local ColorMap =
[ 0.0 color rgb 0 ]
[ 0.5 color rgb lineColor ]
[ 1.0 color rgb 0 ]
(Haven't tested it myself to see if it works...)
- Warp
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Warp <war### [at] tag povray org> wrote:
> Did you try what Thorsten suggested, ie. declaring a local identifier
> and "returning" it from the macro? In other words, like:
> #macro ColorMapMacro(lineColor)
> #local ColorMap =
> color_map
> {
> [ 0.0 color rgb 0 ]
> [ 0.5 color rgb lineColor ]
> [ 1.0 color rgb 0 ]
> };
> ColorMap
> #end
> (Haven't tested it myself to see if it works...)
Sorry about the delay, real life keeps interrupting my render sessions! Yes, I
tried it and it did NOT fix the problem.
However, I have found a slightly less-pretty workaround, so I will be using that
for now. That is as I mentioned above, for some reason if I use explicit
initialization of each array element, it works. It is just the
auto-initialization that fails... but that means I'll have to write it this way:
// define a Macro that creates a color_map
#macro ColorMapMacro(lineColor)
[ 0.0 color rgb 0 ]
[ 0.5 color rgb lineColor ]
[ 1.0 color rgb 0 ]
// declare an array of color_maps
#local ColorMapArray1 = array[3];
// now MANUALLY initialize each element
maintain :-)
#local ColorMapArray1[0] = ColorMapMacro(<1,1,0>);
#local ColorMapArray1[1] = ColorMapMacro(<1,0,1>);
#local ColorMapArray1[2] = ColorMapMacro(<0,1,1>);
But, this gets me back on my way. Thank you both for your clarifying help.
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From: Christian Froeschlin
Subject: Re: Array initializer versus macros - syntax error
Date: 4 Mar 2012 15:49:46
Message: <4f53d56a$1@news.povray.org>
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Drakonis wrote:
> #local ColorMapArray1[0] = ColorMapMacro(<1,1,0>);
> #local ColorMapArray1[1] = ColorMapMacro(<1,0,1>);
> #local ColorMapArray1[2] = ColorMapMacro(<0,1,1>);
How about calling this in a loop based on a vector or color array?
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