I import VRML files from SOLIDWORKS 2011 (SW2011)to compose some pieces of my
pictures with PovRay.
I convert the VRML files coming from SW2011 to pov files.
But, when I put the textures in my code, these elements remain white.
Looking at the VRML files, I don't see any problem.
So, when I render, only the parts coming from VRML files remain white.
Is there a way to apply POV textures on them as if there were POV code parts ?
Or, have I to make some special manipulations in SW2011 to make the VRML files
really usefull in POVRAY ?
koo### [at] free fr is better
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danbo wrote:
> So, when I render, only the parts coming from VRML files remain white.
> Is there a way to apply POV textures on them as if there were POV code parts ?
POV-Ray doesn't know about VRML file so it is a matter of the
SDL code generated by the conversion or export tool. You will have
to see how the objects are defined and whether the white texture
is already applied to the object.
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> Hello,
> I import VRML files from SOLIDWORKS 2011 (SW2011)to compose some pieces of my
> pictures with PovRay.
> I convert the VRML files coming from SW2011 to pov files.
> But, when I put the textures in my code, these elements remain white.
> Looking at the VRML files, I don't see any problem.
> So, when I render, only the parts coming from VRML files remain white.
> Is there a way to apply POV textures on them as if there were POV code parts ?
> Or, have I to make some special manipulations in SW2011 to make the VRML files
> really usefull in POVRAY ?
> koo### [at] free fr is better
Check your imported objects. It looks like they have a white pigment or
a texture with a white pigment included.
Another possibility can be that the included texture use a 0 to 255
range. If that's the case, any non-saturated pigment will appreas as
white as it gets clipped.
Try showing those objects in a weakly reflective surface. Use something
like finish{reflection 0.01}}
In this case, edit the generated SDL to divide all pigments by 255.
pigment{rgb<rrr, ggg, bbb>/255
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