> I've been looking for quit some time for a tool that converts Pro/Engineer
> files
> or SolidWorks files directly to Pov files. Either that or one which
> converts the
> STEP files to Pov files.
> I tried a number of tools: CrossRoads, 3D Object Converter but they all
> don't
> support "normal" STEP files.
The issue is that STEP stores the surfaces as mathematical descriptions, not
a triangle mesh. In theory it should be possible to directly convert the
STEP to POV primitives and retain the perfect mathematical precision, but I
guess nobody has written this yet. I started to look into it but the STEP
format is pretty complicated. This would be the best way of using POV to
render 3D CAD files.
> Anyone any experience with a tool that does make that possible?
Export them from Pro/E as an slp file, then use slp2pov.
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