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Hello all,
I'd like to share a useful utility I developed for running povray on a set of
scripts in parallel on multi-core servers. It's a simple C++ program (*nix &
MacOSX) that can be run in parallel from makefiles to render successive frames
of a scene with many threads of povray.
The source code is at:
Here's the header of the source.
POV-Renderer -- Batch multi-core rendering server wrapper for povray
(i.e., run povray on a set of scripts in parallel on multi-core servers)
Stephen Pope - stp### [at] heaveneverywhere com - Dec, 2009, Feb, 2010
This program can be run from a make file in multiple threads to schedule
batch rendering with povray on multi-core machines. Each thread runs through
the frames in sequence using a frame# lock file for synchronization.
The typical Makefile entry is,
# 2 renderer threads, each makes 600 out of 1200 frames for t = 0 to 1
echo 0 > frame_num
nohup ./pov-render -n 600 -f 0 1200 -t 0.0 1.0 &
sleep 2
nohup ./pov-render -n 600 -f 0 1200 -t 0.0 1.0 &
The cmd "make t4" will now fork 2 processes, which the OS will allocate to their
own cores.
You can run more threads on multi-core machines by editing the Makefile.
The povray command generated to render frames in a thread has format:
/opt/local/bin/povray +W1920 +H1080 +FN +Q9 +KC
+I/home/stp/POV/Sc12.pov +O/scratch/stp/Sc1200
+L/opt/local/lib/povray-3.6.1/include +L/home/stp/POV
+KFI0 +KFF1000 +KI0.0 +KF1.0 +SF81 +EF81
The details of the command options are in the C++ code below, and can be
overridden from the render command.
pov-render command flags
-c command
-n # frames to make
-s starting frame
-i in file
-o out file
-q quality
-f F0 F1 -- start/end frame
-t t0 t1 -- start/end time
-x # threads
-u print usage
Compile this program like, (in Makefile),
# target to compile renderer
g++ -o pov-render pov-render.cpp # add -lpthread on Linux
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From: tmillic
Subject: Re: Batch multi-core rendering server wrapper for povray
Date: 25 Feb 2010 02:55:27
Message: <4b862cef$1@news.povray.org>
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Nice. I've been content with just running folding@home on the other cores,
but this is nice.
Stephen Pope wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'd like to share a useful utility I developed for running povray on a set
> of scripts in parallel on multi-core servers. It's a simple C++ program
> (*nix & MacOSX) that can be run in parallel from makefiles to render
> successive frames of a scene with many threads of povray.
> The source code is at:
> http://FASTLabInc.com/pov-render.cpp
> Here's the header of the source.
> stp
> -----
> POV-Renderer -- Batch multi-core rendering server wrapper for povray
> (i.e., run povray on a set of scripts in parallel on multi-core servers)
> Stephen Pope - stp### [at] heaveneverywhere com - Dec, 2009, Feb, 2010
> This program can be run from a make file in multiple threads to schedule
> batch rendering with povray on multi-core machines. Each thread runs
> through the frames in sequence using a frame# lock file for
> synchronization. The typical Makefile entry is,
> # 2 renderer threads, each makes 600 out of 1200 frames for t = 0 to 1
> t4:
> echo 0 > frame_num
> nohup ./pov-render -n 600 -f 0 1200 -t 0.0 1.0 &
> sleep 2
> nohup ./pov-render -n 600 -f 0 1200 -t 0.0 1.0 &
> The cmd "make t4" will now fork 2 processes, which the OS will allocate to
> their own cores.
> You can run more threads on multi-core machines by editing the Makefile.
> The povray command generated to render frames in a thread has format:
> /opt/local/bin/povray +W1920 +H1080 +FN +Q9 +KC
> +I/home/stp/POV/Sc12.pov +O/scratch/stp/Sc1200
> +L/opt/local/lib/povray-3.6.1/include +L/home/stp/POV
> +KFI0 +KFF1000 +KI0.0 +KF1.0 +SF81 +EF81
> The details of the command options are in the C++ code below, and can be
> overridden from the render command.
> pov-render command flags
> -c command
> -n # frames to make
> -s starting frame
> -i in file
> -o out file
> -q quality
> -f F0 F1 -- start/end frame
> -t t0 t1 -- start/end time
> -x # threads
> -u print usage
> Compile this program like, (in Makefile),
> # target to compile renderer
> re:
> g++ -o pov-render pov-render.cpp # add -lpthread on Linux
> -----
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A few extra notes to the pov-render driver program:
1. The program is "straight" C++ with no GUI; it compiles on Unix/Linux, MacOSX
and MS-Windows with std C/C++ libraries (or cygwin/DOS). The actual povray
command location is a #define in the code.
2. Macro #multithreaded is normally not used; each renderer task runs a single
3. pov-render can be run from make, shell/batch scripts, or a scripting language
like python or Smalltalk.
4. Partial batches can easily be restarted by editing the frame_num file (and/or
Makefile) and running make again.
5. The default in/out files are Default.pov and Default 0001.png (#define in the
code). These are changed either by compiling a version for each scene, or using
the -i and -o cmd-line options in the Makefile.
Enjoy! (I currently have it running on 30 or so cores here at UCSB -- since
"Stephen Pope" <stephen [at] HeavenEverywhere [dot] com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'd like to share a useful utility I developed for running povray on a set of
> scripts in parallel on multi-core servers. It's a simple C++ program (*nix &
> MacOSX) that can be run in parallel from makefiles to render successive frames
> of a scene with many threads of povray.
> The source code is at:
> http://FASTLabInc.com/pov-render.cpp
> Here's the header of the source.
[ ...stuff deleted ]
> Compile this program like, (in Makefile),
> # target to compile renderer
> re:
> g++ -o pov-render pov-render.cpp # add -lpthread on Linux
> -----
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From: Warp
Subject: Re: Batch multi-core rendering server wrapper for povray
Date: 25 Feb 2010 10:34:48
Message: <4b869898@news.povray.org>
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Stephen Pope <ste### [at] heaveneverywhere com> wrote:
> I'd like to share a useful utility I developed for running povray on a set of
> scripts in parallel on multi-core servers.
What advantages does it offer over POV-Ray 3.7, besides consuming multiple
times as much memory (ie. as many times as there are processes running)?
- Warp
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From: scott
Subject: Re: Batch multi-core rendering server wrapper for povray
Date: 2 Mar 2010 09:51:57
Message: <4b8d260d$1@news.povray.org>
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> What advantages does it offer over POV-Ray 3.7, besides consuming
> multiple
> times as much memory (ie. as many times as there are processes running)?
I saw 3.6.1 mentioned in his post, so I assume it is so you can use a
non-beta version of POV on a multi-core machine (they've been popular for
quite some years now).
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