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I heard about a povray include file which computes the position of the sun,
giving time and location.
I found sun.inc, but all links leading to this file are broken.
Is it possible that someone still possess this file ?
Alternatively, is there some place where I could download it ?
Or is there some equivalent file ?
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> Hi,
> I heard about a povray include file which computes the position of the sun,
> giving time and location.
> I found sun.inc, but all links leading to this file are broken.
> Is it possible that someone still possess this file ?
> Alternatively, is there some place where I could download it ?
> Or is there some equivalent file ?
Look for sunpos.inc on your own hard disk... it's included with POV-Ray!
Jaime Vives Piqueres
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Jaime Vives Piqueres <jai### [at] ignorancia org> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I heard about a povray include file which computes the position of the sun,
> > giving time and location.
> > I found sun.inc, but all links leading to this file are broken.
> > Is it possible that someone still possess this file ?
> > Alternatively, is there some place where I could download it ?
> > Or is there some equivalent file ?
> >
> Look for sunpos.inc on your own hard disk... it's included with POV-Ray!
> Regards,
> --
> Jaime Vives Piqueres
> http://www.ignorancia.org
shame on me !
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