Hello dear PovRay users.
I use PovRay to generate images sequences of a scene (nothing unusual I guess).
I configured my camera using the "look-at" directive so my object of interest
stay in the middle of the image.
However, as I move my camera (with the "location" vector), the "up" and "right"
vectors changes (automatically) to rotate the camera. I want to print these data
on the debug console.
My question is : how can I read these values ?
I tryied
camera {
location <A,B,C>
look_at <0,0,0>
#declare cam_top=top;
#debug "top = ",cam_top
but this didn't works.
Can we have access to these "internal" variables to further process it, or do I
have to process everything myself ?
Thank you for any help.
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Kubiack schrieb:
> However, as I move my camera (with the "location" vector), the "up" and "right"
> vectors changes (automatically) to rotate the camera. I want to print these data
> on the debug console.
> My question is : how can I read these values ?
In official POV-Ray, there is no way to read those values; you will have
to mimic POV-Ray's internal computations.
There may be patches out there to add such functionality, but I don't
know any; IIRC even MegaPOV doesn't have it.
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