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Hi all,
Is there any possibility to write a #macro that returns spline by value? I have
made such macro but I have to pass a parameter to the macro that will be a
place for spline. I excpect something like that:
#declare new_spline = createSpline(myArray);
Now I have to do it like that:
#declare new_spline = 0;
createSpline(myArr, new_spline)
//now I have new_spline initialized
Thanks in advance,
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twister <twi### [at] o2 pl> wrote:
> Is there any possibility to write a #macro that returns spline by value? I have
> made such macro but I have to pass a parameter to the macro that will be a
> place for spline. I excpect something like that:
> #declare new_spline = createSpline(myArray);
> Now I have to do it like that:
> #declare new_spline = 0;
> createSpline(myArr, new_spline)
> //now I have new_spline initialized
I can't really understand the problem you are having. Care to give an
example of a macro implementation which doesn't work as you want?
- Warp
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"twister" <twi### [at] o2 pl> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is there any possibility to write a #macro that returns spline by value? I have
> made such macro but I have to pass a parameter to the macro that will be a
> place for spline. I excpect something like that:
> #declare new_spline = createSpline(myArray);
> Now I have to do it like that:
> #declare new_spline = 0;
> createSpline(myArr, new_spline)
> //now I have new_spline initialized
Could it perhaps be a problem with how you are initially setting up or loading
values into myArray? An array[] starts at location 0, not 1. Just a thought.
Ken W.
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"twister" <twi### [at] o2 pl> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is there any possibility to write a #macro that returns spline by value? I have
> made such macro but I have to pass a parameter to the macro that will be a
> place for spline. I excpect something like that:
> #declare new_spline = createSpline(myArray);
> Now I have to do it like that:
> #declare new_spline = 0;
> createSpline(myArr, new_spline)
> //now I have new_spline initialized
> Thanks in advance,
> twister
I think for whatever reason, splines have to be global in order to return
correctly from inside a macro. For instance, in my array -> spline macro below,
if you try to return the local spline, POV-Ray will crash:
//#local MyNewSpline = Spline_From_Array(MyArray,MyArray_Length);
// The_Array should be an array of vectors 4D vectors in the form <x,y,z,t>
// where t is the position value along the spline to be created.
#macro Spline_From_Array(The_Array,Array_Length)
//POV-Ray crashes if this gets changed to #local:
#local ATempSpline = spline{
#local Ctr = 0;
#while (Ctr < Array_Length)
#local Tempfloat = The_Array[Ctr].t; //avoids error on next line.
Tempfloat, <The_Array[Ctr].x, The_Array[Ctr].y, The_Array[Ctr].z>,
#local Ctr = Ctr+1;
#end //end while
//The returned spline must be global or POV-Ray will crash:
#declare ATempSpline_G = ATempSpline; //create a global variable
//ATempSpline //Don't return this spline or POV-Ray will crash!
ATempSpline_G //Return this spline
#end //end #macro Spline_From_Array(The_Array,Array_Length)
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Please disregard the comment in the macro:
//POV-Ray crashes if this gets changed to #local:
It's a remnant from before I modified the macro.
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I have created such a #macro:
#macro createSpline(arr, arrSize, name)
#local length = 0;
#local i = 0;
#while(i < arrSize - 1)
#local length = length + vlength(arr[i+1] - arr[i]);
#local i = i + 1;
#local overallLength = length;
#local length = 0;
#local i = 0;
#local sp = spline {
0.00, arr[0],
#while(i < arrSize - 1)
#local length = length + vlength(arr[i+1] - arr[i]);
length/overallLength, arr[i+1],
#local i = i + 1;
1.00, arr[arrSize - 1]
#declare name = sp;
So I can use it in this way:
#declare new_spline = 0;
createSpline(myArr, 5, new_spline)
//here I have new_spline filled with spline object
But my intention is to create a #macro that returns spline by value, not by
parameter as above. I could then use my #macro in this way:
#declare new_spline = createSpline(myArr, 5);
//where myArr is an array with points defining a curve
Question 2: Is there any way (other than using #ifdef command) to check the size
of an array?
Best regards,
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"twister" <twi### [at] o2 pl> wrote in message
>I have created such a #macro:
> ...
> So I can use it in this way:
> #declare new_spline = 0;
> createSpline(myArr, 5, new_spline)
> //here I have new_spline filled with spline object
> But my intention is to create a #macro that returns spline by value, not
> by
> parameter as above. I could then use my #macro in this way:
> #declare new_spline = createSpline(myArr, 5);
> //where myArr is an array with points defining a curve
If you look at Charles' example (following his sig), you'll see that this
is what it does. Essentially in your example, where you #declare name = sp;
you can simply specify sp (no quotes, brackets, semicolon etc.).
Alternatively you can just remove the '#local sp =' from in front of the
spline definition and the spline will be returned by the macro.
> Question 2: Is there any way (other than using #ifdef command) to check
> the size
> of an array?
Chris B.
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"twister" <twi### [at] o2 pl> wrote:
> But my intention is to create a #macro that returns spline by value, not by
> parameter as above. I could then use my #macro in this way:
> #declare new_spline = createSpline(myArr, 5);
> //where myArr is an array with points defining a curve
Well, the normal procedure for return-by-value from a macro is this:
#macro MyMacro(foo, bar)
#declare myReturnValue = ...<something complicated>...
I don't see why this shouldn't work for splines, too.
> Question 2: Is there any way (other than using #ifdef command) to check the
> size of an array?
Due to recent discussions, it may not be quite clear what you mean by "size"...
dimension_size(myArray,1) gives you the "official" size of a 1-dimensional
#ifdef(myArray[i]) tests wheter there has actually been a value stored at index
Aside from this, there is nothing. Remember, POV arrays are *not* dynamically
sized; they just might have some elements set to an undefined value (some
"null" value so to speak).
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Thanks to all of you. create_spline macro works fine as I wanted to work.
Due to array size I meant number of elements in the array and for now
dimension_size is enough for me.
Best regards,
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"twister" <twi### [at] o2 pl> wrote:
> Thanks to all of you. create_spline macro works fine as I wanted to work.
> Due to array size I meant number of elements in the array and for now
> dimension_size is enough for me.
To efficiently check the "populated size" of an array, you could use #ifdef in a
binary search manner:
#local iLastKnownPopulated = -1;
#local iFirstKnownUnpopulated = dimension_size(MyArray,1);
#while (iLastKnownPopulated + 1 < iFirstKnownUnpopulated)
#local iMid = int((iLastKnownPopulated + iFirstKnownUnpopulated)/2);
#local iLastKnownPopulated = iMid;
#local iFirstKnownUnpopulated = iMid;
#local PopulatedArraySize = iFirstKnownUnpopulated;
(untested draft)
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