"The Blind Ace" <nomail@nomail> wrote in message
>I was looking at Chris Colefax's compressed mesh.
> Now, I want to start converting some point clouds to meshes.
> That gave me the idea of converting some point clouds in to meshes. I
> wanted to
> find out if there were any tutorials that are the first steps to
> converting
> point clouds to meshes.
> Then a description of compressing the meshes.
> Thanks
> James
A quick google threw up an open source tool called MeshLab at
http://meshlab.sourceforge.net/. They have a wiki with some How-To's that
may get you started - Not quite a tutorial, but it does indicate how to
approach certain problems using available tools. Reading the feature list
should give you an idea of the wide range of things you'd need to read up on
if you wish to start develop your own methods and techniques for doing it.
Chris B.
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The Blind Ace nous illumina en ce 2008-06-26 18:36 -->
> I was looking at Chris Colefax's compressed mesh.
> Now, I want to start converting some point clouds to meshes.
> That gave me the idea of converting some point clouds in to meshes. I wanted to
> find out if there were any tutorials that are the first steps to converting
> point clouds to meshes.
> Then a description of compressing the meshes.
> Thanks
> James
Converting an arbitrary cloud of points into a mesh is a non-trivial problem. In
most cases, it just can't be automated. Even some of the simplest cases, all
points roughly limited to a mostly planar area, will give unexpected results,
giving you spikes and holes.
Politics is such a torment that I advise everyone I love not to mix with it.
Thomas Jefferson
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