POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : ask a question! Server Time
16 Mar 2025 22:48:48 EDT (-0400)
  ask a question! (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: andy Wang
Subject: ask a question!
Date: 1 Jun 2008 07:30:00
Message: <web.484287977ca48ffc35072ccd0@news.povray.org>
@@@(light source)
     \        \
      \        \
     [======] a \
        \        \
         \        \
     [========]b [========]c
           \        \
            \        \
             \        \
              \        \
               \        \
                \        \
                 @@@ (camera)

as shown in the figure,planes b and c are shaded.my question is how to different
the b and c planes at the pov's result image.
Thanks a lot!

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From: Jan Dvorak
Subject: Re: ask a question!
Date: 1 Jun 2008 14:59:16
Message: <4842f184@news.povray.org>
andy Wang napsal(a):
> @@@(light source)
>      \        \
>       \        \
>      [======] a \
>         \        \
>          \        \
>      [========]b [========]c
>            \        \
>             \        \
>              \        \
>               \        \
>                \        \
>                 \        \
>                  @@@ (camera)
> as shown in the figure,planes b and c are shaded.my question is how to different
> the b and c planes at the pov's result image.
> Thanks a lot!
Please do not multipost. This question is already given an answer in 
pov.windows. Also, IIUC this is not an advanced question. The best 
thread might be pov.newusers.

You know you've been raytracing too long when...
you ever saw a beautiful scenery and regretted not to take your 6" 
reflective ball and a digital camera, thinking "this would have been a 
perfect light probe"
		-Johnny D
Johnny D

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