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I have a new problem with a laser beam composed with photons. When I'm trying to
pass my ray through the doublet, photons are stopped at the interface of the
lenses. On the other hand, separately, the two lenses lets pass and diffracts
the rays as it is necessary. Is it a bug? How can I solve my problem?
Thank you
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"Sylvain Dub?" <jum### [at] hotmail com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a new problem with a laser beam composed with photons. When I'm trying to
> pass my ray through the doublet, photons are stopped at the interface of the
> lenses. On the other hand, separately, the two lenses lets pass and diffracts
> the rays as it is necessary. Is it a bug? How can I solve my problem?
A small example scene demonstrating the problem would be helpful.
- Warp
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Sylvain Dubé nous apporta ses lumieres en ce 2008/03/19 13:07:
> Hi,
> I have a new problem with a laser beam composed with photons. When I'm trying to
> pass my ray through the doublet, photons are stopped at the interface of the
> lenses. On the other hand, separately, the two lenses lets pass and diffracts
> the rays as it is necessary. Is it a bug? How can I solve my problem?
> Thank you
> Sylvain
Are the lense set as target with refraction on? I assume yes.
What is your max_trace_level? Try setting it to a larger value.
A doublet mean that you have 4 surfaces. If your beam have already crossed 1
surface, or been reflected, you just reached the default value of 5, it just
can't go further.
Count each transparent object you encounter, multiply by 2. Add any reflective
surfaces encountered. Add 1 for the final target surface.
Set max_trace_level to that value, or more.
You know you've been raytracing too long when you think 80s movies have the
funniest special effects.
Aaron Gage a.k.a Slartibartfast
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> Hi,
> I have a new problem with a laser beam composed with photons. When I'm trying to
> pass my ray through the doublet, photons are stopped at the interface of the
> lenses. On the other hand, separately, the two lenses lets pass and diffracts
> the rays as it is necessary. Is it a bug? How can I solve my problem?
> Thank you
> Sylvain
>You may want to try to "union" the two lenses together with a hyperfine gap beween
the two as to aviod the "incident s
urface problem".
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