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With my last render I noticed that if you render a scene which is divided in
triangles the render time is better than if you render the same scene
divided in objects.
For example, supose a scene formed by 50 objects with 100 triangles each
//TRIANGLES version:
//5000 triangles = 5000 mesh2
//Triangle 1
mesh2 { [..] }
//Triangle 2
mesh2{ [..] }
//Triangle 5000
mesh2{ [..] }
//OBJECTS version:
//50 objects = 50 mesh2
mesh2{ [..] } //Object 1
mesh2{ [..] } //Object 2
mesh2{ [..] } //Object 50
The TRIANGLES version has took 6 minutes to finish the render, while the
OBJECTS version has took 8 minutes.
Any comments?
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Scene Statistics
Finite objects: 102622
Infinite objects: 0
Light sources: 1
Total: 102623
Render Statistics
Image Resolution 600 x 450
Pixels: 271205 Samples: 936365 Smpls/Pxl: 3.45
Rays: 5680389 Saved: 1562927 Max Level: 8/8
Ray->Shape Intersection Tests Succeeded Percentage
Mesh 13512384 6380525 47.22
Bounding Box 561876288 155376363 27.65
Light Buffer 329974685 129222522 39.16
Vista Buffer 70349529 53234143 75.67
Calls to Noise: 0 Calls to DNoise: 10
Shadow Ray Tests: 6437521 Succeeded: 2377081
Reflected Rays: 3141031
Transmitted Rays: 447019
Radiosity samples calculated: 24608 (0.67 %)
Radiosity samples reused: 3655578
Samples (final trace) 21806
Samples (recursion 1) 22419
Samples (recursion 2) 2189
Smallest Alloc: 20 bytes
Largest Alloc: 820992 bytes
Peak memory used: 126868251 bytes
Total Scene Processing Times
Parse Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 17 seconds (17 seconds)
Photon Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0 seconds)
Cloth Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0 seconds)
Mechsim Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0 seconds)
Render Time: 0 hours 5 minutes 44 seconds (344 seconds)
Postpr. Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0 seconds)
Total Time: 0 hours 6 minutes 1 seconds (361 seconds)
CPU time used: kernel 1.14 seconds, user 360.52 seconds, total 361.66
Render averaged 746.57 PPS over 270000 pixels
POV-Ray finished
Preset source file is 'C:3drenderescena.pov'.
Rendering using command line '+a0.1 +w600 +h450'.
Redirecting Options
All Streams to console..........On
Debug Stream to console.........On
Fatal Stream to console.........On
Scene Statistics
Finite objects: 1536
Infinite objects: 0
Light sources: 1
Total: 1537
Render Statistics
Image Resolution 600 x 450
Pixels: 271205 Samples: 960525 Smpls/Pxl: 3.54
Rays: 6995949 Saved: 1543608 Max Level: 8/8
Ray->Shape Intersection Tests Succeeded Percentage
Mesh 18179572 8868577 48.78
Bounding Box 658399737 193317922 29.36
Light Buffer 165146399 57866676 35.04
Vista Buffer 25771960 16353274 63.45
Calls to Noise: 0 Calls to DNoise: 10
Shadow Ray Tests: 8417812 Succeeded: 3330785
Reflected Rays: 4039029 Total Internal: 638
Refracted Rays: 223097
Radiosity samples calculated: 36437 (0.81 %)
Radiosity samples reused: 4483771
Samples (final trace) 34036
Samples (recursion 1) 35009
Samples (recursion 2) 1428
Smallest Alloc: 20 bytes
Largest Alloc: 1729240 bytes
Peak memory used: 53654523 bytes
Total Scene Processing Times
Parse Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 4 seconds (4 seconds)
Photon Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0 seconds)
Cloth Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0 seconds)
Mechsim Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0 seconds)
Render Time: 0 hours 7 minutes 43 seconds (463 seconds)
Postpr. Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0 seconds)
Total Time: 0 hours 7 minutes 47 seconds (467 seconds)
CPU time used: kernel 0.38 seconds, user 466.58 seconds, total 466.95
Render averaged 578.22 PPS over 270000 pixels
POV-Ray finished
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Le 17.05.2007 17:40, JSR nous fit lire :
> The TRIANGLES version has took 6 minutes to finish the render, while the
> OBJECTS version has took 8 minutes.
> Any comments?
Yes... precision of triangles is limited, precision of objects is
End of debat!
The superior man understands what is right;
the inferior man understands what will sell.
-- Confucius
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Le Forgeron <jgr### [at] free fr> wrote:
> precision of objects is infinite.
Exactly what do you base this claim on?
- Warp
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I don't recognise that version of PovRay. Is it possible that you're
using something like MegaPov? That might be significant.
It's also possible that the way you've clumped the triangles into
objects happens to interfere with the automatic bounding process, and
leads to less efficient bounding. E.g. if your "objects" were generated
by choosing 100 random triangles from the set of 5000, then each object
would have its own bounding octree that spanned the whole scene.
The stats suggest that the two renders are not exactly equivalent. One
of them has a few rays that get totally internally reflected, and the
other one doesn't. That might be because your objects have a different
"inside" than the individual triangles that compose them. Or it might be
because there's something else slightly different in your scenes that
you're not telling us about.
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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> I don't recognise that version of PovRay. Is it possible that you're
> using something like MegaPov? That might be significant.
Yes, sorry, I use MegaPov 1.2.1
> It's also possible that the way you've clumped the triangles into
> objects happens to interfere with the automatic bounding process, and
> leads to less efficient bounding. E.g. if your "objects" were generated
> by choosing 100 random triangles from the set of 5000, then each object
> would have its own bounding octree that spanned the whole scene.
The scene contains several .DXF objects transformed to mesh2. Every object
is a mesh2 structure, with different number of triangles each one.
> The stats suggest that the two renders are not exactly equivalent. One
> of them has a few rays that get totally internally reflected, and the
> other one doesn't. That might be because your objects have a different
> "inside" than the individual triangles that compose them. Or it might be
> because there's something else slightly different in your scenes that
> you're not telling us about.
The two scenes should be identical, changing only the way the geometry is
constructed, in one way with objects and the other with triangles.
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So you're saying that you get better results by listing each triangle
individually, rather than grouping them into meshes?
That would imply that POV-Ray is doing some very efficient bounding on
your triangles. Which would also imply that your meshes aren't composed
very well, either.
...Ben Chambers
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> So you're saying that you get better results by listing each triangle
> individually, rather than grouping them into meshes?
> That would imply that POV-Ray is doing some very efficient bounding on
> your triangles. Which would also imply that your meshes aren't composed
> very well, either.
Every mesh2 represents an object. For example, a table with 4 legs and 1
board would be represented with a total of 5 objects (5 mesh2). Each object
with their vertexs and faces.
My aim is to reduce the parse time because when I use the TRIANGLES version
the parse time is very long (1 min) because of the number of mesh2. With
OBJECTS version the parse time is very good (8 seg), but render time is
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> My aim is to reduce the parse time because when I use the TRIANGLES version
> the parse time is very long (1 min) because of the number of mesh2. With
> OBJECTS version the parse time is very good (8 seg), but render time is
> worse.
> Joel.
First of all... your "triangles" version is actually 5000 mesh2 objects that
consist of one triangle each. And your "objects" version it's just 50 mesh2
objects with more triangles each. Your "triangles" version SEEMS
innefficient... yet total render time is faster than the "objects" version.
Have you tried having everything in just ONE mesh2? From the sound of it,
parse time might be less with a longer render time... just something to
try, I guess. I would suggest that you just stick to the one with the
shortest total
render time... which as of now looks like the "triangles" version. I
realize this is not too helpful, but I can't think of anything better as of
Oh, by the way... how are you changing your models to mesh2, what kind of
software? That might have something to do with it... maybe... ?
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> Oh, by the way... how are you changing your models to mesh2, what kind of
> software? That might have something to do with it... maybe... ?
I have my own application to convert from OpenGL triangles to PovRay
triangles or objects (mesh2).
Before of making any change in my sourcecode, it would be useful if someone
knew the answer to the first question: Why TRIANGLES version is faster than
OBJECTS version? It should be something related to the povray internal
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