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Swedish national television is having a contest where you can send in your 1
minute animations. Well, to keep it short Im thinking of giving it a go.
In their specifications they prefer the format to be in "720 * 576 Anamorph
or 1024 * 576 16:9 square pixel"
Ok, so I'm halted before I have even begun... I dunno what anamorph OR
square pixel means! Or, rephrased, which one of the above comes out of a
POV-Ray render?
Ehh.. yeah, I hope you understand my question... :/
With great expectations ;D
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Umm... can this be on the right way..?
command line: +H576 +W1024
camera {
location <-58.0, 1.85, -58.0>
direction 1.5*z
up <0,9,0>
right <16,0,0>
look_at <-5.0, 23.0, 4.0>
angle 60
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Le 03/18/2007 05:31 PM, RusHHouR nous fit lire :
> Hi!
> Swedish national television is having a contest where you can send in your 1
> minute animations. Well, to keep it short Im thinking of giving it a go.
> In their specifications they prefer the format to be in "720 * 576 Anamorph
> or 1024 * 576 16:9 square pixel"
> Ok, so I'm halted before I have even begun... I dunno what anamorph OR
> square pixel means! Or, rephrased, which one of the above comes out of a
> POV-Ray render?
> Ehh.. yeah, I hope you understand my question... :/
They are requesting mpeg encoding (right ?), with flagged pixel
ratio. (so, fine tune your encoding software, for them, that's all).
They are either expecting DVD native (Pal) definition (720 x 576) to
be displayed on 16:9 screen format, or basic computer screen (1024 x
576, with square pixel ends up to a picture ratio of 16:9).
Remember to avoid the overscan zone in your production:
- 10% near borders might be unseen (eaten by TV set)
- 20% near border: no text/subtitle.
There is no problem for povray, has you can set the resolution
independantly of the view (for once, stay away of smart camera
settings using image_height/width).
So, make your camera ratio to 16:9, and either render at 720x576 or
1024x576 (depending on your encoder's capabilities: do some basic
testing, then make your choice).
You might appreciate some independant mpeg analysers to check your
Go!!! and good luck & fun!
The superior man understands what is right;
the inferior man understands what will sell.
-- Confucius
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Le Forgeron <jgr### [at] free fr> wrote:
> Le 03/18/2007 05:31 PM, RusHHouR nous fit lire :
Great, great! File should be in .mov oddly enough. Probably becasue they
will also post it online.
Thanks a lot for your fast reply and help!
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