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I have several objects, each with a different texture, which need to be cut
away with the same CSG cut. I decided to union them together, and
difference that union with this one object. This larger difference, is then
a part of a union of various objects, which has a texture, to give all of
the untextured objects the same texture. (Hold on a second, there'll be a
code sample soon.) When I rendered, I discovered that the cutout was given
the color of the whole union. I did a quick search, and found that I'm
supposed to add the cutaway_textures keyword. However, it still didn't
help! I worked on simpler cases, and found that it was failing because of
the texture in the outer union. I can think of workarounds (i.e. putting
all of the non-textured items in my bigger union into its own union, but
that's not simple because of all of the transformations done on each union,
or to do a difference on each set of objects with the same texture, which
isn't easy because of the number of textures), but I wouldn't mind a
simpler solution.
Reading this over, this was a very unclearly written post, so hopefully this
bit of code will make it clearer:
camera {location <2,5,3> look_at 0}
light_source {<4,5,2> rgb 1}
union {
difference {
box {-1, 1 texture{pigment{rgb<0, 1, 1>}}}
box {0, 2}
box {<-2, -1, -1>, <-1, 1, 1>}
texture{pigment{rgb<1, 0, 0>}} // Commenting out this line makes the
cutaway work, but makes the last box disappear
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From: Tim Attwood
Subject: Re: cutaway_textures when not using the default texture
Date: 3 Jan 2007 20:42:58
Message: <459c5ba2@news.povray.org>
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I see what you are saying...
The texture assigned by using cutaway_textures isn't
flagged as being a textured surface... so later it
gets re-assigned.
I usually declare my textures so I can change stuff
at one spot. Then I declare objects without textures.
Finally, I add textures with the scene. I don't hold
to this 100% of course...
camera {location <2,5,3> look_at 0}
light_source {<4,5,2> rgb 1}
// textures
#declare TCyan = texture{pigment{rgb<0, 1, 1>}};
#declare TRed = texture{pigment{rgb<1, 0, 0>}};
#declare TThing = texture {
object { box {<-1,-2,-1>, <1,2,2>}
// objects
#declare Thing = difference {
box {<-2, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1>}
box {0, 2}
// scene
object {Thing texture{TThing}}
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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: cutaway_textures when not using the default texture
Date: 3 Jan 2007 22:20:13
Message: <459c726d$1@news.povray.org>
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clum wrote:
Sounds like you just can't have you cake and eat it too in this case :(
Rather than applying the texture to the other bits in a separate union I
expect the most dependable thing would be to apply at the most granular
object level.
Perhaps use a macro with an object wrapper and pass the texture in that
way somehow? Or put the texture in a macro? Without understanding the
larger problem exactly these suggestions may very well be useless, but
just spitballin' here.
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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: cutaway_textures when not using the default texture
Date: 3 Jan 2007 23:40:54
Message: <459c8556$1@news.povray.org>
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Jim Charter wrote:
#macro T(P)
texture {
finish{ambient .5}
pigment { rgb P }
#macro DefT()
texture {
finish{ambient .5}
pigment { rgb 1 }
union {
difference {
union {
object{box {-1, 1 DefT()} T(x)}
object{box {<-2,-1,-1><-3, 1, 1> DefT() } T(x+y)}
object{box {<-3,-1,-1><-4, 1, 1> DefT() }}
object{box {0,<-5,2,2>}}
object{box {<-1,-1,-1><-2, 1, 1> DefT()}}
object{box {<-4,-1,-1><-5, 1, 1> DefT()} T(z)}
light_source {
color rgb <1,1,1>
translate <0.0, 2.0, 15.0>
camera {
location <3.0, 6.0, 15.0>
look_at <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>
right x*image_width/image_height
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