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I have a 2 volume data(Gas_Density.df3 and Gas_Temperature.df3) on a grid
512^3 in df3 format.
The data from cosmological simulation.
How can I combine this 2 medias in such a way, where
emission/absorption/intensity will calculated from Gas_Density.df3 and for
color coding will use Gas_Temperature.df3?
I used simple way only to show one media and its looks like:
Following script whas used to render it:
#declare box_map=color_map{
[0.0 rgbt <0,0,0,0>]
[0.090000 rgbt <0,0,0,0>]
[0.090000 rgb <0.000000,0.000000,0.000000>*0.000000]
[0.181000 rgb <0.320312,0.000000,0.406250>*1.011081]
[0.272000 rgb <0.214844,0.000000,0.871094>*2.099685]
[0.363000 rgb <0.000000,0.347656,0.996094>*3.388788]
[0.454000 rgb <0.000000,0.894531,0.996094>*5.107829]
[0.545000 rgb <0.000000,0.996094,0.496094>*7.744151]
[0.636000 rgb <0.046875,0.996094,0.000000>*12.469423]
[0.727000 rgb <0.628906,0.996094,0.000000>*22.534557]
[0.818000 rgb <0.996094,0.746094,0.000000>*48.754704]
[0.909000 rgb <0.996094,0.148438,0.000000>*136.620132]
[1.000000 rgbt <0,0,0,0>*100]
[1 rgb 1000]
#declare Container_T= texture {
pigment {rgbt <1,1,1,1>}
finish {ambient 0 diffuse 0}
#declare boxinterior = interior {
media {
intervals 256
ratio 0.5
samples 1,1
method 1
emission <1,1,1>*1.8
absorption <1,1,1>//*5.5
scattering { 1, <0,0,0> }
confidence 0.999
variance 1/1000
density {
density_file df3 MediaFile interpolate 2
color_map {box_map}
box {
<0,0,0>, 1
pigment{rgbt 1}
texture {Container_T}
interior { boxinterior}
translate <-0.5,-0.5,-0.5>
scale 2.0
Thank you beforehand.
Arman Khalatyan
Astrophysical Institute Potsdam,
An der Sternwarte 16,
D-14482 Potsdam, GERMANY
Phones: (+049) 0331 7499517(work)
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arm2arm nous apporta ses lumieres en ce 29/08/2006 05:19:
> Hello,
> I have a 2 volume data(Gas_Density.df3 and Gas_Temperature.df3) on a grid
> 512^3 in df3 format.
> The data from cosmological simulation.
> How can I combine this 2 medias in such a way, where
> emission/absorption/intensity will calculated from Gas_Density.df3 and for
> color coding will use Gas_Temperature.df3?
> I used simple way only to show one media and its looks like:
> http://www.aip.de/~arm2arm/COSMOLOGY/MareNostrum/marenostrum_Gas_divx5.avi
> Following script whas used to render it:
> #declare box_map=color_map{
> [0.0 rgbt <0,0,0,0>]
> [0.090000 rgbt <0,0,0,0>]
> [0.090000 rgb <0.000000,0.000000,0.000000>*0.000000]
> [0.181000 rgb <0.320312,0.000000,0.406250>*1.011081]
> [0.272000 rgb <0.214844,0.000000,0.871094>*2.099685]
> [0.363000 rgb <0.000000,0.347656,0.996094>*3.388788]
> [0.454000 rgb <0.000000,0.894531,0.996094>*5.107829]
> [0.545000 rgb <0.000000,0.996094,0.496094>*7.744151]
> [0.636000 rgb <0.046875,0.996094,0.000000>*12.469423]
> [0.727000 rgb <0.628906,0.996094,0.000000>*22.534557]
> [0.818000 rgb <0.996094,0.746094,0.000000>*48.754704]
> [0.909000 rgb <0.996094,0.148438,0.000000>*136.620132]
> [1.000000 rgbt <0,0,0,0>*100]
> [1 rgb 1000]
> }
> #declare Container_T= texture {
> pigment {rgbt <1,1,1,1>}
> finish {ambient 0 diffuse 0}
> }
> #declare boxinterior = interior {
> media {
> intervals 256
> ratio 0.5
> samples 1,1
> method 1
> emission <1,1,1>*1.8
> absorption <1,1,1>//*5.5
> scattering { 1, <0,0,0> }
> confidence 0.999
> variance 1/1000
> density {
> density_file df3 MediaFile interpolate 2
> color_map {box_map}
> }
> }
> }
> box {
> <0,0,0>, 1
> pigment{rgbt 1}
> hollow
> texture {Container_T}
> interior { boxinterior}
> translate <-0.5,-0.5,-0.5>
> scale 2.0
> }
> ////////////////////////
> Thank you beforehand.
> Arman.
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Arman Khalatyan
> Address:
> Astrophysical Institute Potsdam,
> An der Sternwarte 16,
> D-14482 Potsdam, GERMANY
> Phones: (+049) 0331 7499517(work)
You want 1 df3 to control the density and the other one to control the colour.
If you have 2 density for the same media, they are multiplied. Anywhere one of
the density evaluate to 0, the resulting density will be zero. So, you can use a
monochrome color_map for the first df3, representing gas density, and use a
colour coded one for the second, representing the gas temperature.
This is assuming that the second df3 have broad, diffuse areas contrasting with
the string like pattern I saw in your video.
Zoroastrianism: Shit happens half on the time.
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