POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Modeling a diffuse object with photon mapping Server Time
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  Modeling a diffuse object with photon mapping (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: anidonu
Subject: Modeling a diffuse object with photon mapping
Date: 6 Jul 2006 16:20:00
Message: <web.44ad6f7ce91fab81947c79ba0@news.povray.org>
Alain, thanks for your interest in my problem.  I've reworked my code
according to your suggestions, but there is no change.  I know that the
lenses are behaving as lenses - I can make a line image from a point or an
array of point images from the array of lightsoures, and the images defocus
as I move the screen from the calculated focus position.

I suppose from your comments that you have managed to make a successful
script - there must be something else I'm missing. Would you send it to my
e-mail address 'ani### [at] ntlworldcom'


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From: Alain
Subject: Re: Modeling a diffuse object with photon mapping
Date: 7 Jul 2006 18:26:38
Message: <44aedf9e@news.povray.org>
anidonu nous apporta ses lumieres en ce 06/07/2006 16:15:
> Alain, thanks for your interest in my problem.  I've reworked my code
> according to your suggestions, but there is no change.  I know that the
> lenses are behaving as lenses - I can make a line image from a point or an
> array of point images from the array of lightsoures, and the images defocus
> as I move the screen from the calculated focus position.
> I suppose from your comments that you have managed to make a successful
> script - there must be something else I'm missing. Would you send it to my
> e-mail address 'ani### [at] ntlworldcom'
> Yours
Only managed to project the light_source(s). Better results using radiosity and NO

Adult, n.: One old enough to know better.

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