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I have the following problem:
I have a list of objects which I want to use several times,
a list with the positions is created and I create the object this way:
#while(counter < Number )
object{List[position[counter]] transform Transfer[counter]}
#declare counter = counter + 1;
#if (mod(counter,10)=0)
#debug concat(str(counter,0,0),"..")
#if (mod(counter,100)=0)
#debug "n"
now to my question,
this way I create 50000 pieces of one object
and I get 800MB memory usage,
with nearly no memory consumption..what do I wrong in this case????
Help is very much appreciated,
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McHannemann wrote:
> I have the following problem:
> I have a list of objects which I want to use several times,
> a list with the positions is created and I create the object this way:
> #while(counter < Number )
> object{List[position[counter]] transform Transfer[counter]}
> #declare counter = counter + 1;
> #if (mod(counter,10)=0)
> #debug concat(str(counter,0,0),"..")
> #end
> #if (mod(counter,100)=0)
> #debug "n"
> #end
> #end
> now to my question,
> this way I create 50000 pieces of one object
> and I get 800MB memory usage,
> with nearly no memory consumption..what do I wrong in this case????
The idea of reusing an object with little additional memory cost relates
to objects that themselves have components such as the mesh{} object and
the blob{} object. But the initial declaration of a mesh{}, say, will
require lots of memory if it is comprised of many triangles. However
once declared, it can be instanced multiple times without additionally
multiplying the memory needs.
#declare M =
mesh {
triangle {...},
triangle {...},
triangle {...}
object { M transform {...} }
This effect cannot be achieved by unioning a group of objects:
#declare U =
union {
triangle {...},
triangle {...},
triangle {...}
object { U transform {...} }
would multiply the memory cost
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> The idea of reusing an object with little additional memory cost relates
> to objects that themselves have components such as the mesh{} object and
> the blob{} object. But the initial declaration of a mesh{}, say, will
> require lots of memory if it is comprised of many triangles. However
> once declared, it can be instanced multiple times without additionally
> multiplying the memory needs.
> IE.
> #declare M =
> mesh {
> triangle {...},
> triangle {...},
> ...
> triangle {...}
> };
> object { M transform {...} }
> This effect cannot be achieved by unioning a group of objects:
> #declare U =
> union {
> triangle {...},
> triangle {...},
> ...
> triangle {...}
> };
> object { U transform {...} }
> would multiply the memory cost
ok so if I have a object consistent of several parts I do normally union
to move them around, I need to not union them and move them all seperate
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McHannemann <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> ok so if I have a object consistent of several parts I do normally union
> to move them around, I need to not union them and move them all seperate
> right?
To achieve what?
- Warp
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Warp <war### [at] tag povray org> wrote:
> McHannemann <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> > ok so if I have a object consistent of several parts I do normally union
> > to move them around, I need to not union them and move them all seperate
> > right?
> To achieve what?
> --
> - Warp
To use a lot less memory,
I mean 50000 times an small object for 800 MB's or for much much less MB's
a difference for me when I create landscapes with trees, grass and flowers
and so
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McHannemann <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> > To achieve what?
> To use a lot less memory,
There's no difference between instantiating individual objects and a
union of them. (Well, there might be a small difference, but probably
negligible if any.)
If you want to create tens of thousands of trees, make a tree mesh
and then instantiate that.
- Warp
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McHannemann nous apporta ses lumieres en ce 20/05/2006 01:49:
>>The idea of reusing an object with little additional memory cost relates
>>to objects that themselves have components such as the mesh{} object and
>>the blob{} object. But the initial declaration of a mesh{}, say, will
>>require lots of memory if it is comprised of many triangles. However
>>once declared, it can be instanced multiple times without additionally
>>multiplying the memory needs.
>>#declare M =
>>mesh {
>> triangle {...},
>> triangle {...},
>> ...
>> triangle {...}
>> object { M transform {...} }
>>This effect cannot be achieved by unioning a group of objects:
>>#declare U =
>>union {
>> triangle {...},
>> triangle {...},
>> ...
>> triangle {...}
>> object { U transform {...} }
>>would multiply the memory cost
> ok so if I have a object consistent of several parts I do normally union
> to move them around, I need to not union them and move them all seperate
> right?
> REgards,
> THor
You use slightly less memory moving the whole union than each component invidualy.
The saving possible in that case is, mostly, by having your texture applied to the
whole union. You
don't save if you apply your texture to each individual element.
The real saving is when your objects are mesh objects. The original mash takes a large
amount of
memory, but each instances only use a referer and a transformation. The sample was
comparaison between an union of triangles (memory hog) and the same triangles as a
You can put several mesh in an union. This won't cause a marked memory increase. The
larger the
mesh, the greater the gain.
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McHannemann wrote:
> ok so if I have a object consistent of several parts I do normally union
> to move them around, I need to not union them and move them all seperate
> right?
Others have answered but since it was my answer that may have been
confusing to you I will try to clarify further. If your
question is:
Are union{} blocks necessary to transform and texture a group of objects
as if one? The answer is no, not necessary. The result can be the same
if you apply the transform and texture to each of the individual objects
or to a union{} block which includes them. The union{} is a convenience
and can add other benefits too but you can investigate that on your own.
About leveraging memory usage,... to add detail to what others have
already said,... whether you create several objects:
box {...transform {...}}
sphere {...transform {...}}
sphere {...transform {...}}
sphere {...transform {...}}
or first define them, then instantiate them:
#local B = box {...}
#local S = sphere {...}
object { B transform {...}}
object { S transform {...} }
or put them in a union block:
union {
box {...transform {...}}
sphere {...transform {...}}
sphere {...transform {...}}
sphere {...transform {...}}
transform {...}
or instantiate them in a union block:
#local B = box {...}
#local S = sphere {...}
union {
object { B transform {...}}
object { S transform {...} }
transform {...}
your memory usage will be directly related to the
number of objects you create. If a sphere costs
X bytes of memory, 3 spheres is ~ 3*X bytes.
BUT,... there are a couple of special POV-Ray objects
that are in a sense collections of component objects,
specifically the mesh{}, mesh2{}, and blob{} objects.
Mesh takes the standard triangle{} and smooth_triangle{}
as components, blob{} takes special versions of sphere{}
and cylinder{}. When you define these special objects the
memory cost for that object will be directly related to the number of
components you use in it. HOWEVER, if you define and
name your mesh{} or blob{} object, then instantiate
your mesh{} or blob{} multiple times, the memory cost does
NOT multiply by the number of *instances*. It remains close
to the original cost of the components. This is the
leveraging of memory that you are seeing all the talk about. So
you only get benefit if you are reusing that same multi-object, object.
The classic example is to model a tree from perhaps tens thousand
triangles places in a single mesh{}. This definition is then
instantiated perhaps six different times, rotated and scaled scaled
differently each time, and placed to look like a grove of trees. In
this way you get the "use" of 60 thousand triangles for approximately
the memory cost of ten thousand.
Using a union{} to try and group the objects for instantiation
does not give this benefit. You might think it would because
it seems that unions can be treated as a single object. But there is
no benefit to that strategy.
#local U =
union {
object{ U transform{}}
creates nine spheres with a memory cost, approximately, of nine spheres.
Naming the objects through an array
structure, thus seeming to "collect" objects in that way, gains nothing
either. Arrays are not objects.
It is only the special mesh{}, mesh2{}, and blob{} objects that can be
use to leverage memory costs.
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