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I'm getting a number of small artifacts on my 'simple' sphere_sweeps.
Reading the help file indicated 'self-shading' and suggested reducing
tolerance and/or using AM2. I tried these, but to no avail.
Searching through the POV-Ray newsgroups, I can see similar issues have been
raised before (E.g.
and partial workarounds have been suggested such as: rotate by a tiny
amount, move camera by a tiny amount, adjust spline values by a tiny amount
etc. I can see that applying these subtle changes affects the artifact (and
may eliminate it completely).
My problem is that after experimenting for a while, if you duplicate this
simple spline 50 times and rotate it about the y-axis (I'm trying to model
a wire basket), I seem to produce a random artifact somewhere every time.
Has anybody found a successful method of mitigating / minimising this
'feature' of sphere_sweep?
(I've already found out that closely packed spheres following a Myspline =
spline {...} works, but uses a lot of memory).
POV-Ray 3.6.1, Windows XP SP2, Pentium III 500MHz
An Example:
global_settings {assumed_gamma 1.0}
camera {location <0, 7 , -30> angle 66 right x*image_width/image_height
look_at <6 , 6.5 , 0>}
//For close-up of artifact
//camera {location <6.5 , 4.5 , -2> angle 30
//right x*image_width/image_height look_at <6.5, 4.4 , 0>}
light_source{<250,100,-500> color rgb 1}
#declare BCSplinePointU = array[8] {11,10,9,8,7,6,6,7};
//To remove artifact use this sightly different spline
//#declare BCSplinePointU = array[8] {11,10,9,8,7,6,5,7};
#macro BCSplinePointV(Index, MaxV, PointCount)
#declare BallCageVBar =
sphere_sweep {
cubic_spline 8
#declare Count = 0;
#while (Count < 8)
<BCSplinePointU[Count],BCSplinePointV(Count, 15, 8)> .1
#declare Count = Count + 1;
object {BallCageVBar pigment {rgb 1}}
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Seeing the same thing myself for both sphere sweeps with b_spline and
cubic_spline: http://www.mydis.org/wp-uploads/keep6.png (see lower left and
weirdness on right) or http://www.mydis.org/wp-uploads/keep5.png
"Shbon" <sha### [at] netscape net> wrote:
> I'm getting a number of small artifacts on my 'simple' sphere_sweeps.
> Reading the help file indicated 'self-shading' and suggested reducing
> tolerance and/or using AM2. I tried these, but to no avail.
> Searching through the POV-Ray newsgroups, I can see similar issues have been
> raised before (E.g.
> and partial workarounds have been suggested such as: rotate by a tiny
> amount, move camera by a tiny amount, adjust spline values by a tiny amount
> etc. I can see that applying these subtle changes affects the artifact (and
> may eliminate it completely).
> My problem is that after experimenting for a while, if you duplicate this
> simple spline 50 times and rotate it about the y-axis (I'm trying to model
> a wire basket), I seem to produce a random artifact somewhere every time.
> Has anybody found a successful method of mitigating / minimising this
> 'feature' of sphere_sweep?
> (I've already found out that closely packed spheres following a Myspline =
> spline {...} works, but uses a lot of memory).
> POV-Ray 3.6.1, Windows XP SP2, Pentium III 500MHz
> Thanks
> Shaun
> An Example:
> global_settings {assumed_gamma 1.0}
> camera {location <0, 7 , -30> angle 66 right x*image_width/image_height
> look_at <6 , 6.5 , 0>}
> //For close-up of artifact
> //camera {location <6.5 , 4.5 , -2> angle 30
> //right x*image_width/image_height look_at <6.5, 4.4 , 0>}
> light_source{<250,100,-500> color rgb 1}
> #declare BCSplinePointU = array[8] {11,10,9,8,7,6,6,7};
> //To remove artifact use this sightly different spline
> //#declare BCSplinePointU = array[8] {11,10,9,8,7,6,5,7};
> #macro BCSplinePointV(Index, MaxV, PointCount)
> MaxV-((Index-1)*MaxV/(PointCount-3))
> #end
> #declare BallCageVBar =
> sphere_sweep {
> cubic_spline 8
> #declare Count = 0;
> #while (Count < 8)
> <BCSplinePointU[Count],BCSplinePointV(Count, 15, 8)> .1
> #declare Count = Count + 1;
> #end
> }
> object {BallCageVBar pigment {rgb 1}}
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