I apologize if this question is answered
too often here(!)... I may have asked myself
some years past... but I'm looking for a way
to prevent "phantom lines" or planes from
occurring where I do DIFFERENCE operations...
I didn't bring an image to demonstrate,
but if anyone has seen this, and solved it,
they will know already what this effect is...
it's a thin line, or thin plane in the case
of thick object intersections... and, of
course, it shouldn't be there after the
DIFFERENCE operation... what is puzzling me
is why this occurs inside the removed object
space, rather than at the intersection itself.
How could I remove these artifacts ?
Anybody seen this before ?
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Wasn't it stu who wrote:
> I apologize if this question is answered
>too often here(!)... I may have asked myself
>some years past... but I'm looking for a way
>to prevent "phantom lines" or planes from
>occurring where I do DIFFERENCE operations...
> I didn't bring an image to demonstrate,
>but if anyone has seen this, and solved it,
>they will know already what this effect is...
>it's a thin line, or thin plane in the case
>of thick object intersections... and, of
>course, it shouldn't be there after the
>DIFFERENCE operation... what is puzzling me
>is why this occurs inside the removed object
>space, rather than at the intersection itself.
> How could I remove these artifacts ?
>Anybody seen this before ?
If it's a coincident surface problem, then offset the positions or sizes
of one of the components by a tiny amount.
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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