POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Max. Reflectons in POV v3.6 Server Time
17 Mar 2025 02:45:19 EDT (-0400)
  Max. Reflectons in POV v3.6 (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Catseyeman
Subject: Max. Reflectons in POV v3.6
Date: 26 Mar 2005 16:20:00
Message: <web.4245d15ceb0ea2db1c4ca2380@news.povray.org>
I'm am using v3.6 to build a simulation of the optical components of a
mirror-type telescope during actual mirror alignment exercises and I need
to be able to ray trace reflections between a series of opposing mirrors
beyond 5 reflections of an object.  Is there any way (undocumented in the
reference and tutorial) to increase POV's 5-reflection limitation?


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From: Andy Cocker
Subject: Re: Max. Reflectons in POV v3.6
Date: 26 Mar 2005 16:48:21
Message: <4245d8a5@news.povray.org>

Set thus
global_settings { max_trace_level Level }
Can be raised to 256.

Andy Cocker

"Catseyeman" <fly### [at] catseyecollimationcom> wrote in message
> I'm am using v3.6 to build a simulation of the optical components of a
> mirror-type telescope during actual mirror alignment exercises and I need
> to be able to ray trace reflections between a series of opposing mirrors
> beyond 5 reflections of an object.  Is there any way (undocumented in the
> reference and tutorial) to increase POV's 5-reflection limitation?
> Catseyeman

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From: Catseye
Subject: Re: Max. Reflectons in POV v3.6
Date: 26 Mar 2005 19:42:37
Message: <4246017d$1@news.povray.org>
Perfect!  Thanks, Andy!  I misread the POV Reference to mean that the 
default value of 5 was the max.


"Andy Cocker" <mai### [at] andrewcockercouk> wrote in message 
> http://www.povray.org/documentation/view/3.6.1/264/
> Set thus
> global_settings { max_trace_level Level }
> Can be raised to 256.
> Andy Cocker

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