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I use orthographic camera but cannot use focal blur with that type of
Is there any solution to this problem ?
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> Hi,
> I use orthographic camera but cannot use focal blur with that type of
> projection
> Is there any solution to this problem ?
Get a functionning brain ?
Seriously, do you understand what is an orthographic camera/projection ?
Could you identify any focal or lenses for it ?
What would you expect from combining focal blur and orthographic ?
Why do you think so ?
This is an unauthorised cybernetic announcement.
When someone says "I want a programming language in which I need only
say what I wish done," give him a lollipop.
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"pasta" <din### [at] freemail gr> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I use orthographic camera but cannot use focal blur with that type of
> projection
> Is there any solution to this problem ?
It's not quite what you're asking for, but you can get something a little
bit similar using a standard perspective camera, but from a very long way
You can 'zoom in' by adjusting the right and up vectors and set a very wide
aperture to bring your focul blur back.
camera {location<0,0,-250> look_at<0,0,0>
right 4/3*x/20 up y/20
aperture 10 blur_samples 10 focal_point<0,0,0>
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From: Jim Holsenback
Subject: Re: focal blur and orthographic camera
Date: 8 Mar 2005 06:12:56
Message: <422d88b8@news.povray.org>
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"Le Forgeron" <jgr### [at] free localhost> wrote in message
>> Hi,
>> I use orthographic camera but cannot use focal blur with that type of
>> projection
>> Is there any solution to this problem ?
> Get a functionning brain ?
Yikes .... was that necessary? Even tho the posters faux pas maybe obvious
to some of us, it wasn't even close to warrenting your personal attack.
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"Le Forgeron" <jgr### [at] free localhost> wrote in message
> > Hi,
> >
> > I use orthographic camera but cannot use focal blur with that type of
> > projection
> > Is there any solution to this problem ?
> Get a functionning brain ?
> Seriously, do you understand what is an orthographic camera/projection ?
> Could you identify any focal or lenses for it ?
> What would you expect from combining focal blur and orthographic ?
> Why do you think so ?
Jeez LF, that was a bit harsh.
And why, for that matter, shouldn't orth camera support focal blur? It
wouldn't correspond to any real-life situation, but then an ortho camera
doesn't really correspond to any real-life situation anyway. I've no idea
whether the source would support it, but why not allow for a focal blur
based on distance from a plane rather than distance from a point?
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