i've been playing around with different cameras options trying to work with
panoramic views.
i think that the povray's tutorial about it isn't enought, i couldn't really
understand how to set cameras of different types, i just could use
cylindrical 1 and panoramic.
does anyone of us used these funcions and could explain it better ???
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Okay I suppose the easiest to start on is Panoramic.
On a normal camera, the rays originate at one point and shoot out towards
points on a flat grid, the size of which is defined by the up and right
Now with a panoramic camera it's sort of the same with the y projection but
the x sweeps around in an arc, as if it's projecting not onto a flat plane
but to points on the inside of a cylinder centred on the camera's location,
around a sweep defined by the angle.
Spherical cameras are similar but now you have 2 angles, so you're getting
the x projection and the y projection as circular sweeps.
Essentially if you were to use a full 360 spherical camera and pate the
resultant image to the inside of a sphere and place a camera in the middle,
it'd look like you were looking around inside a scene.
This can be used for environment mapping on reflective objects ( do a google
serach for environment mapping for more info on this )
The cylindrical camera is where it gets tricky... To be honest I think I
know how this works but I don't want to shout my mouth off and be proved
wrong or mislead you so I'll let someone else answer that one.
Anyone else??
"Spirtu" <nomail@nomail> wrote in message
> i've been playing around with different cameras options trying to work
> with
> panoramic views.
> i think that the povray's tutorial about it isn't enought, i couldn't
> really
> understand how to set cameras of different types, i just could use
> cylindrical 1 and panoramic.
> does anyone of us used these funcions and could explain it better ???
> tnx
> ;o)
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