ingo <ing### [at] tag povray org> wrote:
> I once made a simple python script to do that,
> you can find it on this newsserver:
> Newsgroups: povray.binaries.utilities
> Subject: mesh to obj converter
> From: ingo <ing### [at] tag povray org>
> Message-ID: <Xns94F5A773245Aseed7@news.povray.org>
> Date: 25 May 2004 19:01:44 -0400
> Xref: news.povray.org povray.binaries.utilities:3739
> http://news.povray.org/Xns94F5A773245Aseed7@news.povray.org
> Ingo
Thanks for your responce Ingo
I assume you are the same person who wrote parim.inc. If so that is a
great macro. But, back to mesh conversion, I have two questions.
1) I'm not familiar with python scripts, so what do I do with the text
2) I've actually found I can use microsoft excel to convert mesh files
to object files. When I use parim.inc and write the equation out as a .arr
and then convert this file (I know: redundant since parim.inc already does
this, but I needed mesh files to test) it works as expected. However when I
use meshes from Warps mesh compressor, these files don' work as expected.
I'm not really certain, but could this be because the compressed mesh
doesn't contain the UVnormals.
I'm not really familiar with object files. I just chose this format
because the data is stored in a simple text format. Is it possible to carry
UVIndices in Object files. Scratching my head alot so any thoughts would be
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in news:web.4185357c35e28514944674e10@news.povray.org Randy wrote:
> 1) I'm not familiar with python scripts, so what do I do with the
> text file.
Before you can do anything with it you'll have to install Python
Then from the directory where the script is you
can do something like this from the command prompt c:\...\> python
mesh22obj.py bigmeshfile.pov
> 2) [...] However when I use meshes from Warps mesh compressor,
> these files don' work as expected. I'm not really certain, but could
> this be because the compressed mesh doesn't contain the UVnormals.
To be honest, I do not understand what you mean with this. Do you mean
that compressed mesh files generated with param.inc don't work with
Colefax' macro's. Do you mean that you can't convert the compressed mesh
files with excel, or with the same excel script that you use to convert
the .arr files? Or something else?
> I'm not really familiar with object files. I just chose this format
> because the data is stored in a simple text format.
What is it you're trying to acheive with converting pov-mesh' to .obj or
other files?
> Is it possible to carry UVIndices in Object files.
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Randy <wro### [at] charter net> wrote:
> However when I
> use meshes from Warps mesh compressor, these files don' work as expected.
Which version of the compressor are you using?
#macro N(D)#if(D>99)cylinder{M()#local D=div(D,104);M().5,2pigment{rgb M()}}
N(D)#end#end#macro M()<mod(D,13)-6mod(div(D,13)8)-3,10>#end blob{
N(11117333955)N(4254934330)N(3900569407)N(7382340)N(3358)N(970)}// - Warp -
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ingo <ing### [at] tag povray org> wrote:
> To be honest, I do not understand what you mean with this. Do you mean
> that compressed mesh files generated with param.inc don't work with
> Colefax' macro's. Do you mean that you can't convert the compressed mesh
> files with excel, or with the same excel script that you use to convert
> the .arr files? Or something else?
> What is it you're trying to acheive with converting pov-mesh' to .obj or
> other files?
> Ingo
I am using version 2.1 of the mesh compressor, but I am not having any
problem using parim.inc in it.
Here is what I am trying to do: I have made an interesting looking tree
trunk model using isosurface functions., but have had no luck attaching
branches to it that I like. So what I wanted to do was export the mesh to
another program and hand make the branches. So I used the approximation
macro, isosurf_KL_JF.inc, which generated an include file that contained
the mesh. So now all I needed to do was export this mesh in a format that
3DWin could convert, to say a LIghtwave object. Being a creature of habit I
decided to use Microsoft Exel to convert the file. As an expeiment I
converted a arbitrary array file generated from perim.inc. I did this
becuase of the fact that this macro could write object files internally and
I wanted to see if I could reproduce the results. When I imported this file
in 3DWin it converted it to an object for lightwave perfectly, except the
faces were all in the wrong direction. No problem just flip them in
lightwave. The incluce file generated by the approximation macro was a
smooth triangle mesh. I converted the file, in excel, with only vertex and
normal vectors. 3DWin did not convert it to a lightwave object. I thought
this to be do to no face indices. So I then used mesh compressor V2.1 to
convert the smooth mesh to a mesh2 format. I converted this file, in Exel,
but 3DWin could not convert this file either.
What am I missing. Maybe a macro or program already exists that will
convert isosurface functons to an object (.obj) file much the same way that
isosurf_KL_JF.inc wites a smooth mesh file. Just in case I am being math
stupid here is the function I am trying to export:
#declare Tree = function{ f_polytubes(x,y/2,z, 4, -1, -1/100, 1, .1,
-0.25)*1.2 + f_helix2(x,y,z, 0, 3, 1, 0.4, 0, 0.5, 0)*.6}
isosurface {
function {Tree(x,y,z)}
threshold 2
contained_by {box{<-2,-10,-2><2,10,2>}}
max_gradient 28.622
pigment {rgb 1}
scale <.52,.44,.52>
I am sorry for my delay in responce, My server went down yesterday
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