Hi all,
I use material_map to apply some textures to hight_field (see my previous
post about "perspective problem").
Unfortunaly, my mapping image has a very poor resolution and I'm looking for
a way to smooth eadges of area w/o increasing the resolution of the image.
Any idea ?
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> Unfortunaly, my mapping image has a very poor resolution and I'm looking
> a way to smooth eadges of area w/o increasing the resolution of the image.
> Any idea ?
Something that can be tried is to turn the map into an isosurface and add
some turbulence (in the pigment function) and/or random noise (to the
function), thus creating bogus information. It's not going to be fast
#declare hff=function{
pigment {
image_map {png "testhf.png" interpolate 2}
// turbulence 0.1
rotate 90*x
translate <-0.5,0,-0.5>
isosurface {
max_gradient 125
bounded_by {box {<-1,0,-1>,<1,1,1>}}
texture{pigment{slope y color_map{[0.65 Yellow][0.7 Green*0.5]}}}
scale <10000,3000,10000>
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Thanks Gilles for this tip.
Unfortunatly, I lost too much precision so ... I have increased the
resolution of my image : thanks to POV to alway consider imported image
as 1x1 so, even if the high_field and the mapping resolution don't
match, the result is realy pretty good.
No, I'm playing w/ texture to find one looking like a forest shown from
the sky.
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