POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Cyrillic Server Time
17 Mar 2025 22:04:05 EDT (-0400)
  Cyrillic (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: rover
Subject: Cyrillic
Date: 7 Dec 2003 05:50:01
Message: <web.3fd3056839b1ac9aee4300fa0@news.povray.org>
How can i use subj.
I tryed chr function but this returns abrakadabra

Thenx Paul

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From: Gilles Tran
Subject: Re: Cyrillic
Date: 7 Dec 2003 08:55:08
Message: <3fd3313c@news.povray.org>

> How can i use subj.
> I tryed chr function but this returns abrakadabra

You need the unicode text encoding:

global_settings { charset utf8} // declares the unicode character set
text { ttf "times.ttf"
pigment {rgb x} finish{ambient 1}
 translate -x*3+z*6

I got the codes from the Charmap utility (in Windows utilities).


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