The following code gives reasonable results when the
media feature in the radiosity statement is switched
of, however it fails when radiosity and media are both
turned on. It fails by simply leaving regions of the
image black. Any hint on how I can circumvent the problem
is wellcome.
Happy raytracing in 2003!
---------------Cut with a sharp knife------------------
#include "colors.inc"
#declare F_Glass =
finish {
ambient 0.1
diffuse 0.1
reflection 0.1
specular 0.9
roughness 0.001
phong 1
phong_size 300
#declare T_Lens =
texture {
pigment { color rgbf <0.99, 0.99, 0.99, 0.95> }
finish { F_Glass }
#declare F_shiny =
finish {
ambient 0.1 brilliance 6
diffuse 0.7 specular 0.90
metallic roughness 1/120 reflection 0.98
global_settings { ambient_light <0.3,0.3,0.3>
max_trace_level 256
radiosity {
media on
pretrace_start 0.080
pretrace_end 0.005
count 10
error_bound 0.05
recursion_limit 20
light_source {<-6.25,0.00,100.0> color 0.3*White shadowless}
light_source {< 6.25,0.00,100.0> color 0.3*White shadowless}
light_source {<0,0,0> color 2*White cylinder radius 5 falloff 5
point_at <1,0,0>
looks_like{ sphere{<0,0,0>,5
texture{pigment{color 2*White}}
finish{ambient 1 diffuse 1}
light_source {<0,0,0> color 2*Red cylinder radius 5 falloff 5
point_at <1,0,0>
looks_like{ sphere{<0,0,0>,5
texture{pigment{color Red}}
finish{ambient 1 diffuse 1}
translate <0,-20,-20>
light_source {<0,0,0> color 2*Green cylinder radius 5 falloff 5
point_at <1,0,0>
looks_like{ sphere{<0,0,0>,5
texture{pigment{color Green}}
finish{ambient 1 diffuse 1}
translate <0,-20,0> }
light_source {<100,0,100> color 0.4*White shadowless}
intersection {
sphere{<-54.54356,0,0>,60.0 //hollow
// Commenting these lines out makes no difference!
//interior{ ior 1.5
// dispersion 1.02
// dispersion_samples 20}
sphere{< 54.54356,0,0>,60.0 //hollow
// Commenting these lines out makes no difference!
//interior{ ior 1.5
// dispersion 1.02
// dispersion_samples 20}
interior{ ior 1.5
dispersion 1.02
dispersion_samples 20}
translate <100.0,0,0> }
light_source {<250,0,100> color 0.4*White shadowless}
box{ <-0.025,-25,-25>,<0.025,25,25>
interior {
media {
intervals 30
samples 3,3
scattering{ 1 <0.2,0.2,0.2> extinction 0.5}
texture{pigment{color 1.0*White transmit 0.8}}
translate <250,0,0> }
light_source {<125,0,100> color 0.4*White shadowless}
interior {
media {
intervals 30
samples 3,3
scattering{ 1 <0.2,0.2,0.2> extinction 0.5}
texture{pigment{color 1.0*White transmit 0.8}}
translate <125,0,0> }
plane{ <0,0,1>,-25
texture{ pigment{color 0.3*Orange}
finish{reflection 0.025 metallic}
camera {
location < -60.0,60.0, 60.0>
sky <0,0,1>
look_at < 100.0, 0.0, 0.0>
-------------------Cut with a sharp knife------------------
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