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A couple of questions relating to rotation:
How do I make an object always face the camera, like the sprites do in
How do I make an object moving along a spline turn to match the spline? I
know it's easy to do with the camera, just set look_at to clock+0.1, but
how do I do it with any object?
Can anyone help?
Rohan _e_ii
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"Rohan Bernett" <rox### [at] yahoo com> wrote in message
> A couple of questions relating to rotation:
> How do I make an object always face the camera, like the sprites do in
> Duke3D?
> How do I make an object moving along a spline turn to match the spline? I
> know it's easy to do with the camera, just set look_at to clock+0.1, but
> how do I do it with any object?
Take a look at scenes\incdemo\screen.pov and its associated screen.inc. The
Camera_Transform in that creates a face-the-camera effect.
You might even adapt that to a spline as well, not sure though.
I think you could actually get the path-pointing thing done by duplicating
the path spline and altering the timing intervals so that the pointing
direction is just a copy of the path with a slight advance in timing.
You won't get the proper effect if you simply add 0.1 to the vector because
of positives and negatives. Once the camera or object faces toward -z
instead of +z, for example, it still wants to look toward +z. No good.
So, let's say, getting the front of a rocket to point toward where it's
going when using a pair of splines you'll need to use one vector as the
overall motion and the pointing vector as a direction. The motion vector is
the baseline, the pointing vector must either be used as a anchor for the
tip of the rocket (end of a cylinder, etc.) or some calculation needs to be
done between the two vectors.
I think one of the math.inc macros could help with the second way but I
don't have any ideas about that, sorry.
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On Tue, 30 Jul 2002 02:44:29 -0500, "hughes b" <omn### [at] charter net> wrote:
> You might even adapt that to a spline as well, not sure though.
There is macro Spline_Trans() in transforms.inc in 3.5.
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"Rohan Bernett" wrote
> How do I make an object moving along a spline turn to match the spline? I
> know it's easy to do with the camera, just set look_at to clock+0.1, but
> how do I do it with any object?
See \scenes\animations\splinefollow
#macro J(M)V()<V(),V(),V()>#if(M)J(M)#end#end#local _=20;#macro V()asc(substr
73-M,1))/2-36.5#declare M=M-1;#end#local a=spline{cubic_spline J(72)}#while
(_)sphere{a(_).1pigment{rgb(a(_)+(x+y)*3.5)}}#local _=_-.02;#end//JM
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