Is it simplest and good way I choosed ?
I have two points describing axis. I want find vector perpendicular to this axis
but it is not important where it points. So, is it good way?
#local Axis=vnormalize(P1-P2);
#local Vect=(abs(vdot(Axis,x))=1?vcross(Axis,y):vcross(Axis,x));
#declare _=function(a,b,x){((a^2)+(b^2))^.5-x}#default {pigment{color rgb 1}}
union{plane{y,-3}plane{-x,-3}finish{reflection 1 ambient 0}}isosurface{ //ABX
contained_by{box{<0,-3,-.1>,<3,0,.1>}}translate z*15finish{ambient 1}}//POV35
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> Is it simplest and good way I choosed ?
> I have two points describing axis. I want find vector perpendicular to this axis
> but it is not important where it points. So, is it good way?
> #local Axis=vnormalize(P1-P2);
> #local Vect=(abs(vdot(Axis,x))=1?vcross(Axis,y):vcross(Axis,x));
I use this:
#local vA=vnormalize(pE-pS);
#local vB=vnormalize(vcross(vA,<vA.y,vA.z,-vA.x>));
Unless pE=pS, vB will always be perpendicular to vA.
ICQ: 46085459
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