In article <39b54196@news.povray.org>, "David Vincent-Jones"
<geo### [at] galaxynet com> wrote:
> Can somebody please tell me why the Turn is not working....
> #declare Start=<0,0,20>
> #declare End=<8,0,30>
> #declare Dist=vlength(Start-End);
> #declare Turn=vrotate(Start,End);
> box {<-1,-1,-1>,<1,1,1> texture {pigment {checker color Black, color
> White } }
> scale <(Dist),1,1> translate<-Dist,0,0> rotate y*Turn translate End
> }
> I am trying to place a box with its centerline sitting on the Start
> and End vectors...
First, this is not a windows specific question, you would be better off
asking it in povray.advanced-users or povray.general.
As for your problem, what exactly are you hoping to do with this line?
#declare Turn=vrotate(Start,End);
I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what the vrotate
function is. All this line does is assign the result of rotating Start
by End to the Turn variable. And what do you mean by "centerline"? The
diagonal from one point to the opposite point? Are their any other
constraints you want to put on the box's orientation, or don't you care,
as long as it is oriented along the right vector and in the right place?
More in povray.advanced-users...
Christopher James Huff
Personal: chr### [at] mac com, http://homepage.mac.com/chrishuff/
TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org, http://tag.povray.org/
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