I was wondering - would this be difficult to oputput additional
informations from POV-RAY, like i.e.
- distance from camer of some point (can be useful to use in some other
programs, games etc)
- is sky sphere / background hit - can be used for making transparent gif's
- as above, but in % for partial transparent objects (AFAIR, this is
possible now, by usnig .png file)
- saving ID of object useful for games, programs.
Example :
sky_sphere { ... NameId 0 }
object { MonsterHead NameId 1 }
object { MonsterBody NameId 2 }
an example output file (monster.id)
monster.pov PovRay 3.5 Beta
This file can be used in game to implement diffrent damage for parts of
monster sprite
making additional output files should be realy easy, and very usefully.
I will try to write some code (ANSII C), but I'll need help with puting
this code togeather with main POV sources, will somebody help me :) ?
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On 24 Jun 2002 08:45:27 -0400, "Rafal 'Raf256' Maj" <raf### [at] raf256 com> wrote:
> Hi,
Hi Robert again :-)
> I was wondering - would this be difficult to oputput additional
> informations from POV-RAY, like i.e.
> - distance from camer of some point (can be useful to use in some other
> programs, games etc)
It was possible with depth post processing in MegaPOV. It is possible now with
3.5. You have to write simple macro. It should take parameters of camera and
using trace output textfile with array of distance for center of each point.
> - is sky sphere / background hit - can be used for making transparent gif's
> - as above, but in % for partial transparent objects (AFAIR, this is
> possible now, by usnig .png file)
Have you readed http://www.povray.org/working-docs/id000185.html#6_7_1_5_3 :-)
> - saving ID of object useful for games, programs.
It is easy possible. Using quick_color feature you assign various colors for
all objects. With one render You can recive sprite_map for all objects.
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>>I was wondering - would this be difficult to oputput additional
>>informations from POV-RAY, like i.e.
>>- distance from camer of some point (can be useful to use in some other
>>programs, games etc)
> It was possible with depth post processing in MegaPOV. It is possible now with
> 3.5. You have to write simple macro. It should take parameters of camera and
> using trace output textfile with array of distance for center of each point.
Or you can re-render the image using a onion or spherical pigment
centered on the camera and carefuly scaled, ambient 1 and no
light-sources, no radiosity. Potential problem : transparent objects.
Other solution : ambient 1 objects and fog (IIRC this should give you a
logarithmic distance evaluation).
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