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Anyone, please, i'd love to plot a graph of the function, well, it's like
I have y = x * sin(1/x), and its some graph in 2D, Well, now i want to
rotate that graph around the z-axe (one pointing up/down), and represent
that in POV. Is that possible withouht 3rd party programs/utils?
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In article <MPG.12c18e98202e9328989683@news.povray.org>, Mario Splivalo
<msp### [at] jagor srce hr> wrote:
> Anyone, please, i'd love to plot a graph of the function, well, it's like
> this:
> I have y = x * sin(1/x), and its some graph in 2D, Well, now i want to
> rotate that graph around the z-axe (one pointing up/down), and represent
> that in POV. Is that possible withouht 3rd party programs/utils?
If you mean you want to make a kind of lathe, swept around the z axis,
it would be pretty simple to do. One way would be to use an isosurface,
with a function like:
function {z - sqrt(x^2 + y^2)*sin(1/sqrt(x^2 + y^2))}
replacing x with sqrt(x^2 + y^2), which is the distance from the z axis.
Another way would be to use an actual lathe object, and use a #while
loop to calculate the position of each control point.
Or if you want to represent the actual graph in POV, not making a 3D
graph, you can use an image_map to use a picture of the graph for the
texture, or you can create it out of objects, something like
#macro GetValAt(V)
#macro MakeGraph(Elems, XSize, graphRadius, graphTexture)
#local stPos = < 0, 0, 0>;
sphere {stPos, graphRadius
texture {graphTexture}
#local K=0;
#local endPos = <(K/(Elems - 1))*XSize, GetValAt((K/(Elems -
1))*XSize), 0>;
cylinder {stPos, endPos, graphRadius
texture {graphTexture}
sphere {endPos, graphRadius
texture {graphTexture}
#local stPos = endPos;
#local K=K+1;
This macro would be used like this:
MakeGraph(50, 5, 0.05, MyTexture)
Elems = the number of elements in the graph
XSize = the distance along the x axis the graph extends
graphRadius = the radius of the graph elements
graphTexture = the texture of the graph elements
Chris Huff
e-mail: chr### [at] yahoo com
Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
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From: Matt Giwer
Subject: Re: Beeing stupid... y=x*sin(1/x), how to?
Date: 15 Dec 1999 17:53:49
Message: <385845FC.F5F68C0E@ij.net>
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Mario Splivalo wrote:
> Anyone, please, i'd love to plot a graph of the function, well, it's like
> this:
> I have y = x * sin(1/x), and its some graph in 2D, Well, now i want to
> rotate that graph around the z-axe (one pointing up/down), and represent
> that in POV. Is that possible withouht 3rd party programs/utils?
2D plot
#declare i = .001 ;
#declare inc = 10 ;
#while (i<inc)
sphere { 0.0, .005 translate <i,i*sin(2*pi/i),0>
texture{pigment {radial frequency 8} finish{specular 1}} }
#declare i = i + 1/1000 ;
And a 3D version if interested
#declare i = .001 ;
#declare inc = 10 ;
#while (i<inc)
sphere { 0.0, .005 translate <i,i*sin(2*pi/i),i*cos(2*pi/i)>
texture{pigment {radial frequency 8} finish{specular 1}} }
#declare i = i + 1/1000 ;
Take the 2D version out to some value of x and then bring it back to zero
along i*sin(2*pi/i)+.00001 or a larger number if you want a noticable
But instead of plotting it, write the x and y values to a file, search on
File I/O to learn that. Then import the file and tag it as a surface of
rotation, SOR.
Should work.
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In article <chrishuff_99-E0211D.15312415121999@news.povray.org>,
chr### [at] yahoo com says...
> In article <MPG.12c18e98202e9328989683@news.povray.org>, Mario Splivalo
> <msp### [at] jagor srce hr> wrote:
> > Anyone, please, i'd love to plot a graph of the function, well, it's like
> > this:
> >
> > I have y = x * sin(1/x), and its some graph in 2D, Well, now i want to
> > rotate that graph around the z-axe (one pointing up/down), and represent
> > that in POV. Is that possible withouht 3rd party programs/utils?
> If you mean you want to make a kind of lathe, swept around the z axis,
> it would be pretty simple to do. One way would be to use an isosurface,
> with a function like:
> function {z - sqrt(x^2 + y^2)*sin(1/sqrt(x^2 + y^2))}
> replacing x with sqrt(x^2 + y^2), which is the distance from the z axis.
Yes, and I get nothing... Or I am doing something wrong ;(
> Another way would be to use an actual lathe object, and use a #while
> loop to calculate the position of each control point.
Yes, that, i think, will be the only way....
> Or if you want to represent the actual graph in POV, not making a 3D
> graph, you can use an image_map to use a picture of the graph for the
> texture, or you can create it out of objects, something like
> this(untested!):
I need a 3D :)
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In article <385845FC.F5F68C0E@ij.net>, jul### [at] ij net says...
> Mario Splivalo wrote:
> > Anyone, please, i'd love to plot a graph of the function, well, it's like
> > this:
> >
> > I have y = x * sin(1/x), and its some graph in 2D, Well, now i want to
> > rotate that graph around the z-axe (one pointing up/down), and represent
> > that in POV. Is that possible withouht 3rd party programs/utils?
> 2D plot
> #declare i = .001 ;
> #declare inc = 10 ;
> #while (i<inc)
> sphere { 0.0, .005 translate <i,i*sin(2*pi/i),0>
> texture{pigment {radial frequency 8} finish{specular 1}} }
> #declare i = i + 1/1000 ;
> #end
> And a 3D version if interested
> #declare i = .001 ;
> #declare inc = 10 ;
> #while (i<inc)
> sphere { 0.0, .005 translate <i,i*sin(2*pi/i),i*cos(2*pi/i)>
> texture{pigment {radial frequency 8} finish{specular 1}} }
> #declare i = i + 1/1000 ;
> #end
> Take the 2D version out to some value of x and then bring it back to zero
> along i*sin(2*pi/i)+.00001 or a larger number if you want a noticable
> thickness.
> But instead of plotting it, write the x and y values to a file, search on
> File I/O to learn that. Then import the file and tag it as a surface of
> rotation, SOR.
Hm, yes, it does, but, when making an fly-trough animation, it looks
Can it be done using cubic, quadric, or quatric, or matrix, or something/
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In article <MPG.12c7343caf4ca57d989687@news.povray.org>, Mario Splivalo
<msp### [at] jagor srce hr> wrote:
> > If you mean you want to make a kind of lathe, swept around the z axis,
> > it would be pretty simple to do. One way would be to use an isosurface,
> > with a function like:
> > function {z - sqrt(x^2 + y^2)*sin(1/sqrt(x^2 + y^2))}
> > replacing x with sqrt(x^2 + y^2), which is the distance from the z
> > axis.
> Yes, and I get nothing... Or I am doing something wrong ;(
What is the isosurface you are using? Try something like this:
#include "colors.inc"
camera {
location <0, 3.5, -10>
look_at <0, 0, 0>
angle 35
isosurface {
function {y - sqrt(x^2 + z^2)*sin(1/sqrt(x^2 + z^2))}
// max_gradient 1.1
threshold 0
bounded_by {box {<-2,-2, 0>, < 2, 2, 2>}}
//Make a cross-section of the surface
//use clipped_by to make just the surface visible
accuracy 0.001
texture {
pigment {color rgb < 0.095, 0.44, 0.2 >}
finish {ambient 0.35}
scale 2 rotate y*45
light_source {< -40, 75, -40> color White}
Chris Huff
e-mail: chr### [at] yahoo com
Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
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