POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Photon mapping calculation limited to 8 threads Server Time
18 Feb 2025 01:57:21 EST (-0500)
  Photon mapping calculation limited to 8 threads (Message 1 to 4 of 4)  
From: yesbird
Subject: Photon mapping calculation limited to 8 threads
Date: 6 May 2024 07:54:42
Message: <6638c502@news.povray.org>
Hi, all !

While rendering large number of images on server with photon mapping
techniques I discovered, that only 8 kernels are used in time of
photons calculation step, while on tracing step all 40 kernels are

Is there a way to use more threads for photon calculation to improve
performance ?

Thanks in advance.

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From: Alain Martel
Subject: Re: Photon mapping calculation limited to 8 threads
Date: 6 May 2024 11:05:42
Message: <6638f1c6$1@news.povray.org>
Le 2024-05-06 à 07:54, yesbird a écrit :
> Hi, all !
> While rendering large number of images on server with photon mapping
> techniques I discovered, that only 8 kernels are used in time of
> photons calculation step, while on tracing step all 40 kernels are
> loaded.
> Is there a way to use more threads for photon calculation to improve
> performance ?
> Thanks in advance.
> -- 
> YB.
So, you have one light and 8 target objects, or 2 lights and 4 target 
objects, or 4 lights and 2 target objects or 8 lights and 1 target object.

The maximum number of threads used while photon mapping is the product 
of the number of light_source by the number of objects with a target block.
To the best of my knowledge : Currently, it is not possible to divide 
that process between several threads. The algorithm used is strictly 
linear and can't get split between multiple threads.

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From: yesbird
Subject: Re: Photon mapping calculation limited to 8 threads
Date: 6 May 2024 11:17:46
Message: <6638f49a$1@news.povray.org>
On 06/05/2024 18:05, Alain Martel wrote:
> To the best of my knowledge : Currently, it is not possible to divide 
> that process between several threads. The algorithm used is strictly 
> linear and can't get split between multiple threads.

Thanks, Alan, I will take it into account.

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From: Thomas
Subject: Re: Photon mapping calculation limited to 8 threads
Date: 17 Feb 2025 18:30:00
Message: <web.67b3c55cd73c9149805ef56b753ea5c@news.povray.org>
Alain Martel <kua### [at] videotronca> wrote:
> So, you have one light and 8 target objects, or 2 lights and 4 target
> objects, or 4 lights and 2 target objects or 8 lights and 1 target object.
> The maximum number of threads used while photon mapping is the product
> of the number of light_source by the number of objects with a target block.
> To the best of my knowledge : Currently, it is not possible to divide
> that process between several threads. The algorithm used is strictly
> linear and can't get split between multiple threads.

Makes sense, thanks for clarifying.

However, POV-Ray 3.7 seems to log this incorrectly. With 16 CPU cores, 1 light
source and 3 target objects, I can clearly see 300% CPU usage during photon
mapping (so 3 cores are used), however, 19 threads instead of 3 threads are

Render Time:
  Photon Time:      0 hours  2 minutes 53 seconds (173.948 seconds)
              using 19 thread(s) with 456.834 CPU-seconds total
  Radiosity Time:   No radiosity
  Trace Time:       0 hours 11 minutes 12 seconds (672.855 seconds)
              using 16 thread(s) with 10100.757 CPU-seconds total


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